NISA shuts down Zerofield Trails fan-translation, forces team to remove all spreadsheets

Sorry for the silence since this started. We wanted to keep things quiet, but in a community this tight-knit speculation is gonna get out there. We've heard back, and NISA isn't willing to negotiate with us. They've clarified we have to take down all the sheets, from Zero to Kuro

Naturally I'm bummed about the decision. I really wanted to keep translating these games. Working on the Kuro sheet is the most fun I've ever had in my whole life, seeing it get out there was more fulfilling than I could have imagined.

I've learned a ton about JP and grown so much as a writer thanks to these projects. More importantly, I've gotten to work with an amazing team along the way. Hell, despite how this community can be, it's hard to express how happy I am for the support we've received at the end.

I'm not happy, I don't think this is entirely fair. But I can't afford lawyers, and I don't think I should end this by going scorched earth and giving a middle finger to everything that's taken us this far. I'm gonna try to play things as close to the chest as possible.

At the end of the day, I love translating. It'll be hard to find something else I love as much as Kiseki that's not already being translated, but I don't want my work to end here. Just wish I could've said goodbye to translating Kiseki in a grander way, at least finishing the arc

I'll end this by saying that I really do appreciate everyone's support. Seeing even just a few people enjoying stuff I translate means the world to me. If anyone sticks around, I hope you'll look forward to what I do next. For anyone that calls it here, it's been nice having you

Thank you for everything.

Is NISA justified to shut them down when all they're doing is putting translations into spreadsheets?

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not reading your reddit post

I thought that said NSA for a second, and was wondering what the hell the translators did to warrant the feds getting involved.

whats the context of this shit, i dunno who NISA is or what the fuck zero to kuro is

Based NISA. Fuck the dumb mod tranny for charging money for this.

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what faggots holy shit

The fans are faggots and they don't even get paid for the work. Finish the work quietly and then hype it up or release it, or else end up like the 3d chrono trigger remake from early 2000s.

How do you stop someone from translating your game? What the fuck?

Lmao charging money and inserting tranny humor and "cutesy" agitprop what the fuck did they expect

I loved the game and didn't pay NISA a cent so I'm happy.

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When you start charging rupees for it kek

Implied threats. The fan translators are just a bunch of fans at the end of the day, and they don't have the money to fight back if NISA wants to drag it to court.


>literally just taking the original JP script, translating it, and publishing it in a spreadsheet
is there even a legal basis for this? does translation infringe copyright?


theres no basis, the translators just dont have the money to fight it in court because they did it out of passion

they could probably crowdfund it if they wanted, god knows there are enough angry ESLs online who'd like to take a steaming shit on localisers

i dont know how these retards still dont get it. how many projects need to get c&d'd because theyre charging money for work on someone else's ip before people realize you shouldnt fucking do it? if they werent begging for patreon bucks, this wouldve never happened.

Yeah if NISA had a case that meant fan dubs and youtube translations of games would also be illegal (which they arent)

NISA has no case here but the fans are too scared to fight back

It was literally for free

they weren't taking any money for this translation though

>they were charging money
fucking keeeek fully deserved then

You get what you deserve for being closed source. Always publish.

Probably fixed at this point, I got one of the first releases.

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what kind of game is it?

why are these cucks caving to NISA? they arent doing anything illegal

>I'm gonna make my fan thing and 100% rely on the cooperation of a company in a foreign country run by senile boomers getting reports on my activity from people who are probably machine translating my words in to japanese

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lol corporations really do run the legal system in america, don't they?

they literally weren't stop taking Any Forums shitposts seriously

There is zero legal basis, which is why NISA couldn't hit them with a C&D and only said it would be a bad idea if they continued.

There's no legal basis

Because technically it would mean every single free translation guide on Gamefaqs/fan made site/whatever would be Illegal when they aren't.

This is just NISA flexing for no reason and even more dumber when they JUST hired a bunch of fan translators not even a year ago

>say nothing about the project
>release it when it is finished and let the company seethe that there is nothing they can do about it
It kills these attention whores that they can't be quite long enough to finish these pet projects. I wouldn't care if they were getting paid for it or not, just do it in a way that it just goes out into the wild and it can't be tracked.

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Hold up, even charging money shouldn't be an issue. If I want to translate Super Mario Bros into klingon then what's Nintendo's legal basis for suing me? I'm not providing the original game to my customers. Presumably I'm just providing a script, or at most a code that updates the lines in a Super Mario Bros rom that I didn't provide. Nothing about any of this is illegal.

they already released them though retard

Aw man thought that said nasa now I don't really care anymore

It was a community run project, first and foremost

Second. the whole main plot was already translated

>the people who released the translation patches used the spreadsheets as base and were totally anonmynous
>NISA didnt know how to shut them down so they targetted the guys making the translation spreadsheets for people buying and playing the games in japanese

lol what scumbags

Yep. You could release a program specifically made to patch the super mario rom in to a klingon version and there is not one thing in that which nintendo can complain about.

>Beg for patreonbuxs
>Get shut down
>Cry on twitter
Entirely solved by not being an attention whore faggot and releasing a finished product instead of stretching it out over years. If your "tight knit" community is vocal enough about its existance on twitter to get CDA'd you're a fucking retard or a tranny.

Evergreen video

Capitalism ho!

Turn-based JRPG but you do foreplay with the enemies first doing some simple slashing away and dodging.

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they werent taking any money retard but nice job being an ignorant fucking retard

Stupid moron

why do these cucks ALWAYS cave in? i mean, even when they're doing something 100% legal they cave in to the slightest threat.

i get the feeling they never actually meant to finish the project, that the actual objective was merely to attention whore and possibly make the copyright owner look bad

>spreadsheets were taken down because the guy hosting them was a pussy
So get someone else to put a link up. Again, there's nothing illegal about it. Just put up a new link and tell NISA to fuck right off.

I mean, I assume this guy is doing this because he wants to stay in good graces with NISA and maybe work with them officially later, because there's no legal threat to him. So just pass them to someone who doesn't give a shit.

Because NISA will just harass them anyway,

they've finished multiple projects already why would they pretend not to now
this is just typical Any Forums conspiracy theory shit

If they had any legal ground to stand on, google would removed it before anyone that worked on the spreadsheet even knew.
They're literally just retarded.

They cannot afford it. NISA can still hire lawyers and drag them to court and legal battles are always pricey

Lol, I understand Zero because they sold them the translation. But the other games? Lmao
NISA is taking their sweet time releasing the rest of the games and they expect fans to just wait for their shoddy translations? L to the m to the oa

they don't have the money to fight them over it, they're just a bunch of nerds doing it out of love and nisa would lose a court a case and they know it but they can make their lives hell

>that the actual objective was merely to attention whore
You do know how autistic kieskifags are right? unlike most other fan translations they actually do finish the work

so why would they cave in? THEY'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL. NISA literally cant do shit against them, even if they were selling the translation, which they're not

stupid fucking cucks man, its infuriating. stand your fucking ground, pussies

>me not knowng what the fuck this about
yo where's the disgaea HD sprites you useless chinks