Videogame franchise doesnt have a single bad videogame

>Videogame franchise doesnt have a single bad videogame
Name them

Attached: primitive.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

the batman arkham games



>Indians try to rip off his gimmick
>need to rent multi thousand dollar machines for YouTube views
>dude just spends his time
why is India the least likeable country based purely on its inhabitants

what about blackgate? some sidescroller or something

Primitive technology it's KINO
The poo in the loo copies of primitive technology are shit and only do it for money

Dark Cloud
Risk of Rain
Persona (1 was good)

Because they don't wipe off their asses


Monster Hunter

Technically Bayonetta....god i hope 3 is better than it looks.

Nah, poos still make cool shit and its entertaining to watch. Prim Tech fell off as he started to make same shit over and over.

There isn't a bad Half-Life or Portal game, just not-as-good ones like Blue Shift and Episode 1

souls games


Origins. Was just as broken as Knight, except it was broken on every platform, and it never got fixed. And that's on top of being a lazy, shameless cashgrab.

It doesn't have a single good one either.

>There isn't a bad Half-Life or Portal game
Hunt Down the Freeman. It counts, because the fact that it was sold on Steam and not immediately hit with a copyright takedown means it tacitly had Valve's approval.

>Ratchet and Clank
>Armored Core
>Gallop Racer

Dark Souls 3 (three) exists


It means valve doesn't give a shit about that franchise anymore.

Ratchet and Clank has some awful PSP games

>poos make cool shit
They're all fake, you dipshit. It's entire construction companies making that garbage.

monster hunter
your pic is partly why as well

ah I didn't even know about those never had a PSP


Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank were good. But it did have that weird multiplayer-only game nobody played. Free 4 All or Fun 4 All or whatever.

But indians are the only ones who can make good TikTok videos.