Warhammer 3

Play Valkia-chan's campaign

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Nobody fucking cares. Game is dead.

No, I will play funny peepeepoopoo doctor instead

Sorry, I only play Chad stunties.

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>72.5k players on steam alone
>game is ded
Nigga what?

Not playing valkia without porn mod.

Can someone link a mod that disables minor settlement battles in favor of land battles?
I can't find any on Steam Workshop that aren't out of date.

Go back to bed Vol whatever the fuck your name is.

Did an Ungrim immortal empires campaign and honestly the dwarfs need a rework. Or maybe not a rework but something to boost them because the way they are now is fucking boring as shit to play and I say this as someone who adores WH dwarfs and played a shitload of them in 2. They've just completely fallen behind.


For a total war title? Not really that much. Especially just released? I can already tell you player count will pummel down really fast.

Only when her corruption mod is finished.


I agree. I'm not entirely sure what to do with them aside from a massive rework and upgrade to the runic/magic item system. Dwarfs should have far more customization of equipment like they did in tabletop. Miners being able to deploy from underground, again like in tabletop, would at least give them a decently cheap option to get to enemy backlines and objectives. Right now they're completely pigeonholed into a single playstyle with very little wiggle room.

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Give em runic golems or something.

not when archaon exists

Runes magic needs a rework. It's objectively worse than before. I think it'd be sweet if they added different types of runesmiths too. Like, maybe there are 2 rune "lores" or something?
And next to that they just need more unique units. Ideally the next DLC is an engineer DLC with the slayer engineer dude Malakai Makaisson as the lord.
>Add goblin hewers
>Add the thunderbarge
>Add rune golems and rune guardians

>Pointy ears
Valkia-chan is a bald human though

Skarbrand is still the superior Khorne experience.

I'd like to give her a try but her starting location is utter dogshit
I hate all campaigns focused on the northern lands
It's the no-fun zone where everything is shit and spaced too far apart

wood elves are kinda fun
especially when some dumbass orc shows up with 0 ranged units

Great stag knights forced me to learn how to micro cav.

I might, but I just played Skarbrand and I'm now flooding the world with my zombie tide as Ghorst. Still I never bought the original CW DLC so I never played a CW campaign, I should get to it at some point.