Prey Director Says Arkane Was Forced to Use that Title: 'It’s Gross... Not What I Wanted to Do'

>Prey Director Says Arkane Was Forced to Use that Title: 'It’s Gross... Not What I Wanted to Do'

>"Calling Prey Prey, that was very very hurtful to me. I did not want to call this game Prey, and I had to say I wanted to anyway in front of journalists," Colantonio said. "There is a bit of the artistic, the creative side that is insulted when you tell this artist: 'You know your game? It's going to be called Prey.' And you go like, 'I don't think it should. I think it's a mistake'."


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he said that since 2017

This is somethng everybody with a two digit IQ knew all along.
Bethesda was just too greedy to register a new IP so they just used and old one that was avalible.

Bethesda has always been garbage. The way they killed Human Head Studios was scummy as fuck.

Something like Neuroshock would have been way better.

How come people with 3 digits for IQ didn't know? You'd think them being allegedly so smart and all, well...

Nah, it would've been --rightly so-- shat upon for trying to market itself as a bioshock clone. The end result wouldn't have been much better than been called Prey.
They should've gone with "Talos I" or something like that.

>Dishonored was fucking garbage
>Dishonored 2 was even worse
>Prey is one of the best games I’ve ever played

Really kicking myself for ignoring it for so long, how did they finally get their shit together so fast?

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Yeah they should have called it Neurosystem instead so people know it’s a System Shock clone

Nigga you make videogames

>Prey is one of the best games I’ve ever played
Don't post my good smelling wife with such a shit opinion.
Thank you.

Being a pretentious cunt doesn't make you interesting, user.
Everybody knows what inspirations this game (and others of a similar vein) took. I was just saying that taking it as far as naming it so similar to another successor wouldn't be much better than stealing Prey's name

>he has never owned nor smelled a rabbit

I want to know what the original name is so I can create new icons and art to reflect that.

It very clearly wears it’s influences on its sleeve and lives up to them, a title letting people know what they’re in for would be a lot better than the name of a murdered IP it has nothing in common with

Nigga this has been known for years
we fucking know
kill yourself

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I don't fucking care, it's Moonshock in my book

Wasn't it obvious for anyone who isn't retarded ?
It was always stupid to blame Arkane Studios and boycott the game because of its name.
Especially since they're a dev team known for their new IPs.

Bethesda really needs to get more hate. Such a shitty company.

Arkane is woke, do not buy their games.

Sadly other companys overshadow them in being somehow even more shit, so a lot of their crimes are either forgotten or frogiven by the majority of gaymers.

>Prey is one of the best games I’ve ever played
prey sucks dick user...

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