Break Down Each Mainline FF Game Like A Sperg As I Have Done Here

too old maybe 3 people who see this thread max have beaten it
nobody has played this game. the nerds who played I quit. board is zoomers and millenial fuck ups. it's too old.
name 3 characters and I will believe that you actually played this
Bonafide Classic
Classic, but you keep remembering VI while you remember this one
Bonafide Classic
The best one. You can say VI or IX are the best, and I will respect that, but you are wrong
Onions guzzling cumdog millionaire's choice, but a straight up bonafide classic
Zoomer's FFVII
Boomer FFXIV
"i don't like the battle system"
straight up wack retard territory
"maybe if I let this girl vent about chad she'll fall in love with me
gay man's choice, but objectively the best game if you are gay, because it's the gayest game in the series

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these are the most illiterate takes I think I've ever seen on this board.

The only FF I've ever liked is the MMO one I tried.

They're bad games, if I'm being brutally honest. Bad combat. Bad exploration. Bad story/lore/world design. No actual roleplaying to speak of. And linear boring character building.

Some of these aren't Final Fantasy exclusive, but FF definitely takes the greater tropes of the JRPG and presents them in their lowest quality form. Everything bad about the genre is front and center, any good to be had from the genre is utterly diminished. The reason the MMOs are half decent are because they lean on an entirely different school of RPG design.

I've become very advanced, user.

>name 3 characters and I will believe that you actually played this
the four old man
I can name more
it's my favorite ff

I've beaten it, and love it. One of the best 8-bit RPGs.
Underrated, but fun once you get used to it.
The best 8-bit RPG in my opinion.
Amazing, I used to replay it regularly.
Arguably the best gameplay in the series, job system rules. Great exploration and secrets across the three worlds.
Fun battle system, lots to play around with thanks to all the different characters and equipment. Great music and story, non-linear second half is awesome.
Best characters, deserves it's reputation even though I prefer VI personally.
Cards rules, level scaling weird but I didn't care first time I played. Interesting side quests and secrets in general.
Love the music and characters, need to replay it someday because I've forgotten a lot of it.
Didn't like them getting rid of world map and making it so linear, Tidus was a dork compared to Cloud, Squall, and Zidane. Fun battles and great game overall though. Blitzball rules.
Possibly the best battle system in the series, and the structure of the game with its quests was interesting. I remember nothing about the story.
Didn't play but wish I did back in the day
Good but forgettable to me
Lightning is Toriyama's waifu, moms are tought, linear etc. Never played.
Played through all the story, pretty cool game. Like all MMOs, feels like you're wasting your life (much like posting on Any Forums). Weird people playing that make drama over things normal people don't care about.
I liked the demo, driving in the car is fun.
To be determined


>gay man's choice, but objectively the best game if you are gay, because it's the gayest game in the series
It's not my favorite entry, but I legit loved having just guys hanging out
I guess straight men don't care for that
The game has a lot of other problems which I think are more noteworthy than broship

special guys gotta get the special rocks
never played but assume it's special guys getting special rocks and I think there's an emperor involved...
sexy boss and a giant crystal penis
here comes the angst and a magic animal summoning loli
Imagine Rick Hunter from Robotech but with a giant fucking chicken.
cosplay as magical monster girl escapes evil magical empire that employs people who dress like clowns and doesn't bother with mental health evaluations.
lots of glowing green stuff and bad hair style decisions.
drugs are bad but doing magical creatures is worse cause it fucks your brain remembering up.
Coca-Cola ad meets Disney fantasy with winged castles and shit.
Fantasy game goes on a vacation and someone thought having one pant leg longer than the other was cool.
a great way to not buy other games if you get into it enough. seriously saved me tons in the early 00s.
Sexy bunnies, Meg Ryan, fancy armor, and I have no clue who the lead character was supposed to be.
Reading and walking for 20 hours and then reading and walking in an open world. also people complaining about completing assignments that are forced on them. it's like being at work and then having to work on the weekend when it's your day off.
fantasy for people who like ugly shading on models.
quite possibly the longest ad for a car you'll never own. ever.

>Imagine Rick Hunter from Robotech but with a giant fucking chicken.
I like you

>that guy who records audio of his replies for some reason

Last year I made it my project for myself to go back and beat all 15 numbered games, including both MMOs and a few major spinoffs like Type-0 and Crystal Chronicles. The best ones ae 1, 5, and 11. 7 is the best of the PS1 trilogy but crazy overrated. 9 is great if you played a lot of the old FF or similar games at least because it's just nostalgia wank at the end of it all, not great standalone. The franchise overall doesn't make great games in terms of fun and gameplay but it has amazing music and a habit of tricking your for a moment into believing the world is bigger and more wonderful and mysterious than you can understand and those tiny moments make the experience pretty worthwhile. 2 is the only game in the series I'd consider fully bad. The other bad ones like 13 or 15 have a good idea that you can see and appreciate the intent of but were just designed awkwardly and in conflict with themselves.

it's fun.

i only finished 1 and the tactics games. i dropped everything else because it got boring

>too old maybe 3 people who see this thread max have beaten it

final fantasy sucks

yeah it's still probably 3. bunch of people probably played it for 30 minutes and dropped it, but i bet there are sub 4 people who have actually beaten Final Fantasy I

Been playing FF13 and I agree with the corridor segments being boring, but I am surprised the biggest complaint isn't the characters.

The only somewhat likable character is Sazh.
Every other character and their interactions with each other
It's as if something is missing.
Characters interact with each other as if they are not in the same room and some of them change behavior on a whim.
I sometimes feel like I missed a cutscene or something.

The game still looks nice and the music is good but so far everything else is pretty unlikable.

And my god is Vanille's voice actress horrible.
Sounds like she is high on the autism spectrum.

Attached: FF13-13.jpg (3840x2160, 2.26M)

i have played 1-7. 1 is decent giving u play the gba or psp version. 2 is so so and feels meh. i dont know if its because of the ugly westernized characters or the leveling system but nobody cares about it. 3 is still decent but i hate the 4 boomers how they ruined the pretty lady by giving her a gigantic potatoe forehead. the bird faggot can also eat shit. 4 is a classic but fuck the waterways. 5 is probably the best but i recommend u play the gba version with the color and music restoration patches. 6 is another classic but i hate the second portion of the game. its just boring grinding so u can steamroll the last dungeon. 7 would be the best if not for how the game turns to shit after disc 1. midgar is and was the best part of the game.
i havent played any of the other games but 9 looks overrated.

I've beaten almost every FF
Fun easy diet RPG, like old DQ.
Story is the only good part, and SoR is fun in it's own way
Underrated in the West as far as it's influence on the series. A lot of current Producers & Directors have talked about how they were influenced by III and it's their favorite.
Great beginner RPG that exemplifies the franchise
My favorite, very replayable. It's very satisfying how pretty much any combination works. Something future FFs should learn from.
Fantastic game as far as presentation and my favorite aesthetic. It's a great balance between medieval & mechanical.
Overrated, story isn't that good, and is mostly just PS1 babies that adore it like they do RE1.
Fits the trends at the time, but dated in both mechanics & aesthetic.
It's good, but slow as fuck. Stuck in an odd place that's more adored now than at the time due to the release scheduale between it and the next two entries.
Good, even if linear (and doesn't get enough shit from that). The voice acting is very charming in that old ADV Anime nostalgia.
One of the best stories in the franchise but I hated playing every bit of it due to how it played.
People are distracted by the professional voice work to not realize the story is pretty dumb.
The most "mid" entry, but is by no means the worst. The sequels are miles better.
Great entry in both story and gameplay. It being free and soloable, should encourage even the most ardent "Non-MMO" fans to at least try it.
Along with XIII, fairly "mid". I played it at launch, so I missed out on the QoL updates on initial play. Comrades is far more interesting as a game.
To be decided, I'm holding back any judgement until I play it.

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>autismo thread