It's been 9 years. Has any idle game surpassed Cookie Clicker?

It's been 9 years. Has any idle game surpassed Cookie Clicker?

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This and NGU Idle

I like Kittens Game.

Idling to Rule the Gods

Orteil ever gonna update Neverending Legacy? Or is he just gonna keep scratching his balls?

Sakura Clicker is better

Antimatter Dimensions is pretty good

>he just gonna keep scratching his balls
probably this

This so much.
Did a complete restart a few months ago, it's fun getting all the unlocks again.

Melvor Idle is pretty fun if you are/were into runescape

I would probably think it's way too much of a pain in the ass if I were to start all over again though

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I played it once a while back and it seemed very well made. Shame there's no character preview, I think that'd be a nice finishing touch.

We're nice grandmas.

yes, dozens

Vampire Survivor.


Any idle games out there that heavily focus on character progression or kingdom building? I'm talking about some granular stuff not the boring shit where you build 50x of the tier 1 building to build 25x of the tier 2 to build 10x of the tier 3 only to reset it and do it all over again but 5% faster

Games that come to mind which I really enjoyed were Arcanum (Theory of Magic) and Prosperity

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>character progression
Clicker Heroes is pretty good for that.

I've been enjoying Evolve, if only to see how far it goes. I'm really hoping the "gene decay" isn't an actual hard time limit.

Evolve has some mechanics that surround that, Kittens as well.

don't you have to pay for it?

It's a shame that Orb of Creation has such a long delay on content, because it's really fun getting through it.

I didn't, everyone that already had an account in the alpha/beta got it for free, although there's a paid expansion coming soon too, it really depends if it's your type of game or not


Idlescape is by far and away the best "idle" game there is, I can't think of anything that comes close

Melvor is pretty fun.

Melvor, Clicker Heroes

I miss PBBGs. Legacy of a Thousand Suns in particular.
Kanoplay shit doesn't come close

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Redpill me on melvor, would it be fun for me if I was never interested in runescape?

>Says expansions will be free
>Gains Jagex affiliation
>Says expansions will now be paid
Really makes you think.

It's not idle
The universe will stop existing before you can complete the game by idling