ITT: annoying/obnoxious enemies

ITT: annoying/obnoxious enemies

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you suck use explosives, hl1 is WAY too fucking easy with how much it spams you with smg grenades and op4 is objectively harder and has you scavenging whatever you can to survive


He said they were annoying, not too hard. They are like both the marines and the vortigaunts in that they move then fire from a stationary position. They're stronger than either due to being damage sponges.

they aren't annoying when you blast them away with like 2 smg grenades or spam the crossbow on them

so are these vorts too? imagine commanding an army of grunts in hl2 now that the vorts are good guys. missed opportunity

this fucking faggot takes ages to kill and forces you to do a gay little jig everytime you see one unless you have a lightning gun

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>”Just use healing incantations bro :^)”

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Dit dit

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Not difficult at all, I just hate these dicknoses.

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These fat nigger fucks

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literally just shoot them and walk away?

Those fuckers are reskinned grunts. At least you fight like 2 of them at same time instead of 4-6 grunts.

buzz buzz

>the sound it makes when you get a coin split shot on two of them

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I hate the amount of flailing retard enemies ER has

Aren't most of the OF enemies reskins? Troopers are grunts, hounds are bullsquids and roaches are just headcrabs. I think the Voltigores might share an AI with something else too but I'm not sure.

Yeah but you'll be on a melee killing spree and then one of these lardtards run up to you and slaps ya nuts off cuz you didn't have a shotgun

they're not difficult to fight, just tedious. they completely slow down the game when they show up.

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These exploding swarmers in Gaspar are the most fucked enemy in RC1. The level already doesn't have a lot of health in it and on a new game you're always only gonna have 4 health when you get to Gaspar so you can't afford the hit, so naturally when they spot you they chase you faster than you can run and have the most fucking health out of any normal enemy in the entire game so you can't kill them unless you just dump all your blaster ammo or time wrench throws to knock them back so they explode at a safe distance, or you just spam long jump to get away until they explode (which you can't always do)

There's like 8 of these fucking enemies in the entire game and they single handedly make Gaspar my least favourite planet. If anything in RC1 were to retroactively get a Snowbeast Award it would be these fucks.

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Dodgers are worse
In some custom maps they end up getting stuck in the air and I just run past them. I like fighting them sometimes depending on the situation but I’m open areas they suck