Great Games Ruined by their Communities

I'll start.

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never had an issue with CSS community, i can say faggot and nigger and no one cares

overwatch on the other hand...

my picture is from CS:GO my impression of CSS is that it's just a boomerfest

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Yea, I grew up on old internet where calling people niggers didn't phase them because niggers weren't using the internet yet.

CS:GO is the same

When was the last time you played? I've been playing since 2015, and the difference in quality (of the players) is very apparent.

CSGO came out in 2012, the fuck is your Any Forums zoomer ass talking about?

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>tfw one server remains in my CS:S favorites list from a decade and a half ago
It's a based server running a mod that let's you type keywords to play short meme audio clips. Everyone spams the nigger ones

>CSGO came out in 2012, the fuck is your Any Forums zoomer ass talking about?
stfu zoomer nigger, yuo can still say nigger in cs:go without repurcussions

also the worst part about nu-CS is match making, fuck making, bring back dedicated servers

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>t-t-the c-cimmunitty is mean to meee!!!!
holy shit grow up

Yeah I think you're right.

Haha! That is a funny post user! Mind if I save it? Thanks!

Would you mind if I changed it a bit though? I don't like the N-word in there. If I replace it with "cracker", that should be fine right? The comic would still make sense?

You've totally missed the mark. CSGO is filled with nothing but junkies, mexicans, and other scoundrels. I've resulted in just turning off all communication. But every match I play there are two people on my team who go 1 and 11 and the game devolves into something like COD deathmatch.

SO MANY fucking cheaters in this game it's unreal. They're so fucking obvious about it too which is funny - After snapping to your head through a wall they have no chance of penetrating, they'll still be adamant in chat that they aren't cheaters.

another reason why i miss dedicated servers, most good servers had decent admins that would boot these faggots

also i hate you cant do custom sprays anymore, doing porn sprays and having admins try to figure out who was doign it was a great game within a game

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CS is ruined by Valve stagnation. Look at any modern GAAS and it's just steady stream of content and balance updates. Meanwhile CSGO is literally the same as it was 7 years ago. There's absolutely nothing exciting about the game for people who were playing for two decades. Ah yes THE COMMUNITY FAULT.

Yeah my man. Putting dedicated servers on the back-burner for the casual queue system did a lot of damage, I think. It was just one part of the homogenization/sterilization that helped to ruin online games.

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>Meanwhile CSGO is literally the same as it was 7 years ago.
It was made worse. You need to subscribe to "prime" now to even get the lootboxes (I'm assuming you still need to buy keys for?) or any other drops. Itemdrops in steam games are fucked now, though I'm guessing that has something to do with the Chinese farming them for community market profits.

>Played rainbow six siege while drunk/high a lot in 2019, like a lot
>Either screamed nigger or put the kidzbop song every time someone had a mic
>They never banned me

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Not to mention it still doesn't have casual 5v5. How retarded is this? This thing alone is why Valorant is superior.

I can't imagine people playing it. The base game is 5v5 if you're only playing with bots, but that's horribly boring. 12v12 or larger is better and thematically makes more sense. You don't take five men into any kind of terrorist situation, you take a full squad.

I've started playing CS 1.6 again every other day and having a lot of fun, shame it's kinda hard to find a decent server to play in nowadays. It's very sad to think that all of these classic games are going to be completely dead one day.

I just don't like CSGO as much with the focus on competitive matchmaking, cosmetics and the pseudo-stock market shit. Also, maybe it's just me but I think the shooting and movement are better in 1.6.

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Nobody is stopping you from playing on racist servers user.
Go for it.