So does this actually have deep lore, or is this just the Zanzibart effect?

So does this actually have deep lore, or is this just the Zanzibart effect?

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It actually has excellent writing with great worldbuilding. It's still a video game series, so the writing isn't going to blow your mind, but it really is good.

Actually play the games and pay close attention. You can play the whole trilogy via Aleph One and they're really not that long. You could probably finish the first game than less time than it'd take to watch a few video essays about it.

if you care about "lore" past childhood you need to neck yourself for the good of the species
the greatest lore ever written is second to actual history
why not study something that has some amount of real world utility, no matter how small, rather than fill your brain up with insipid in-universe factoids about gay spider people or whatever

Kys fag

I went down this rabbit hole the other day, marathons world/story is a million times better than halo fuck halo man they should revisit this fucking world even the music caught me off guard 90's af.

And the half life Alex team def had this game in mind with the timeline fuckery

This is a video game bored. For people with care and interest in video games.

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Its the best written fps game of all time i believe.

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It has great lore and worldbuilding, but as usual ecelebs have gotten a hold of a corpse and tried to rape it with their own headcannon to in an attempt to impress their reddit audience.

>Muh quirky cryptic terminal entries
So it's the Zanzishart effect.

>i cant handle non traditional writing.
Retard faggot. Also zanzibart is a random throwaway thing. That terminal is important in the greater context of the story.

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Which game will ecelebs and their insufferable fanbase ruin next?

>Darwin wrote th-
Stopped reading right there, it's always the same names with these pseudo intellectual devs.

Trying way too hard

Fuck you it's as cringe as quoting Einstein or Edison, it's always some pop culture "scientist".

No one thinks this but you. Trying wayyy to hard

this. at least you dont have to peruse a random item just to get a glimpse of a story. not to mention Infinity was made sorta-vague on purpose. not obnoxiously meaningless.

Within the context of what Durandal is saying it's relevant. You'd know that if you read more than three words.

We've been telling stories as a species before we mastered fire, so fuck you, subhuman.

>real world utility
>he thinks storytelling isn't useful

He vanished into the waves.

Attached: thewaves2.png (218x115, 22.75K)

Is there a good fullsize pic of the Gherrit white terminal