

I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Anyone care to explain?

Attached: denuvo.png (283x48, 8.45K)

inconveniences legitimate customers to keep people who wouldn't have bought the game anyway from being able to play


Kike like you need a bullet

Performance issues, used to rape your SSD/possibly still does, legitimate owners locked out of their games when verification servers were down, difficult to mod denuvo games.
Meanwhile, pirates are affected by none of this so this only fucks over the actual customers.

inflicts tremendous slowdown and can drastically shorten the lifespan of an SSD

from what i gathered it can possibly maybe bother paying customer and most certainly hurts illegal downloaders. so it hurts everyone maybe


I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Anyone care to explain?

it's like defending yourself from a home invader with a nail bomb

fucks your performance in order to keep 3rd world niglets from cracking the game day 1

They will in 3 months though

Paying cuckolds get lowered performance and hassle.

You have to understand, most people who post on this board are poor brown children from SEA, Mexico, or Russia. This type of DRM is legitimately crippling for their shitty ten year old computers. Everything that takes place here makes a lot more sense once you realize whites are less than 10% of Any Forums's population.

>Pay for game
>Game runs worse
I have summarized the entirety of DRM bullshit's problems in six words.
You're welcome.

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Anyone remember Starforce and SecuROM?

>difficult to mod denuvo games
based, gamers should respect the creator's vision.

>Anyone care to explain?
Sure, here you go.

Attached: you are a nigger.png (1671x845, 1.55M)

Lowers performance for people who legally buy games and doesn't really stop piracy. Same with anticheats like battleye/easyanticheat who are all bypassed by basic 5$ cheats and yet make the games run worse.




And yet you will see a post somewhere saying they can't wait any longer and will buy it.
Even one sale makes the seething of paypigs worth it to the publisher.

>chain anvil to your car
I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Anyone care to explain?

i'm still waiting for soul lackers to crack

I'm so sorry you haven't developed far enough to read graphs. Must suck having less mental capacity than a lizard

what do you want? an essay?

Gamers are legitimately retarded and have no principles. What can you do

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>games with denuvo have flopped
>games without it have been massively successful

game uses 85-100% of your GPU

the chud alt-tabbed out of the game in both instances

the data is flawed

fuck off

it has a significant impact on performance

>(more than) a


>reddit spaced


Attached: Thanks reddit.jpg (220x345, 46.37K)

Look at all this leddit spacing