Why is nobody doing a remake of this? I want to play it

Why is nobody doing a remake of this? I want to play it

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Then fucking play it.

bruh fr fr no cap

It didn't age well

>Just play a Jurassic era PC game
No thanks!

It aged perfectly.

>zoomers will never get to taint fallout 1 and 2
thank you jesus

the combat is janky (like every rpg) but rest is fine

>It didn't age well
How can a game where you just click on shit not age well.

there's nothing janky about the combat since it's turn based

fo2's cutscenes give me the creeps.

>Play tutorial
>The fucking tutorial
>Try to beat a giant cockroach
>Miss, miss, miss
Fuck this game

Should have made a better character.

this, game is mid af

Yeah, the CGI in fo1 and 2 is haunting. Even the opening cutscenes. I really like it though, it adds to the apocalyptic and fucked up vibe of the series. Fallout new vegas also did this really well, people say the graphics are "bad" but i think its perfect

You must've been playing a different game, I don't remember any cockroaches in either Fallout 1 or 2

>getting filtered by temple tutorial
ahaha you cant make this shit up

Anyone finds Arroyo bgm unsettling, thats shit scared me as a kid.

Nearly everyone agrees the temple at the start is dogshit. Just get through that and out of Arroyo tribal hell and it'll vastly improve. You can find a 10mm Pistol in Klamath, and from there you can ask an NPC about other nearby towns if you just want to go somewhere else.

>giant cockroach
there are no giant cockroaches in fallout 2

Arroyo was fine to my ears.
Fucking Necropolis or Military Base tho...