Shin chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation The Endless Seven-Day Journey

a new shin chan game came out today has anyone played it yet? how is it?

Attached: shinchan.jpg (1280x720, 151.56K)

is there a dedicated ass dance button

Hopefully game gengo will play I in jp

post the fast travel animation

apparently it does

Attached: ass_dance.png (1028x807, 639.07K)


didn't this game come out a year ago?

My friend bought it and told me it looks like a flash game, i guess the ds game will always be the best this series can have

But it is censored. Why should boy get censored? Boy never gets sexualized(despite Zaki's ass was censored in Live a live)

The discussion in the next few days from people who never heard of Boku no Natsuyasumi is going to be depressing, since I am more into it because it's finally a Boku game in english than because of the Shin Chan license.

In Japan yes

>Boku no Natsuyasumi
did any of those even come out in english?

Why is shinchan's ass covered? Male never gets sexualized. Male should not be censored. Because Shinchan is Voiced by Female(Same as Princess Relena) so shinchan is considered female?

No, and since they are a Sony IP they are now dead and buried forever.

Is Zzangu is Unstoppable Sony's IP?

Aren't there english translation?

I can read jap desu this game has been out for quite a while and I never bothered to play.

Because Sony didn't allow Shin chan's bare ass despite Shinchan is male who doesn't get sexualized according to ethical dep...(Zaki's ass got covered by hair though)

Game gengo said shin chan is better than 僕夏休み


I like shin chan and this game looks peak comfy but the pricing seems steep and I heard its short. Will probably wait for a sale.

Wasn't it out last year?