Why was the Nier remake so soulless compared to the original?

Why was the Nier remake so soulless compared to the original?

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because you're a brainwashed Any Forumsnderage

Because Nier is about killing souls and denying them reunion with their bodies

They didn't add jiggle physics to Kaine and Nier papa wasn't playable

Kainé does have juggle physics in the remake
it's soulless only in your head, the original looked terrible with that ps3 piss filter

>that one frotting kaine webm

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They take away our diccgirl!


Worth it just for all the porn with the new model and a giant cock slapped onto it.



it's better in almost every aspect, they even added the true ending, the fuck are you talking about?

No one here has played the original.

the devs didnt work hard enough on it

Hardly, I'm quite disappointed to see the influx of 18+ content was very short lived on pixiv at least.

I did. It was ok but like all Taro games vastly overrated by the small but annoyingly vocal fanbase.

No daddy nier

Not in the dong, they also made pp smaller

can you guys go at least until 100 replies without talking about her cock?

Compare that to what we had before. Where we had nothing but a couple of shit drawings and one or two passable animations now we've got several animations, many of which are high quality, and involve her masturbating, fucking, and being fucked with her big pale meaty cock flopping around. Huge improvement.

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>fetch 3 [item name]
>fetch 10 [item name]
>fetch 1 [item name]
This gets boring after the 50th time.

Tranny game
Fuck faggots
Fuck trannies

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Papafag here, is there something worth it in Replicant or should I just play suffer through Drakengard 1 for my Taro fix?

I couldn't tell you because I own the original so I didn't feel a desire to buy the remaster.

I enjoyed it

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