Was he really the prophet of God or just a lucky schizo?

Was he really the prophet of God or just a lucky schizo?

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He was just simply insane. His followers would eventually start to doubt him as shown in the FC6 DLC.

In the Collapse DLC for Far Cry 6, The Lord, the voice in Joseph's head, legitimately gives him visions of the future by showing him events in Far Cry 6. So it's actually probably a legitimate paranormal event that gave Joseph visions of the future, which also means that the nukes would have happened no matter what ending you go with in Far Cry 5.

It means that the visions created the future, numbnuts. His cult was the direct cause of the nuke.

That makes no sense whatsoever. His cult didn't directly cause the nukes. The nukes were from Ajay from Far Cry 4.

No they don’t

His family were just too crazy for him to hold at bay with words and faith alone

Being a chr*stcuck IS being a schizo

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Why would anyone take Varg as the voice of reason.
He wrote a couple of 6/10 BM albums and spent most of his life in jail over being a paranoid schizophrenic.
I'd rather be a christcuck than spend a minute alone with this one man loony bin.

>white genocide is just paranoia bro haha!

Wow, what an incredibly well researched opinion, surely the fact that he says a couple of interesting things every 15 years make him a genius
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, retard. Varg is a constant stream of logorrhea. He failed his life as a musician, as a philosopher and as a person and now lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere france to live off neetbux and patreon. Truly a role model.

I'd say he's doing pretty well for himself. He has what, 5 or 6 kids now?

>white genocide bad
>daughter gets fucked by niggers

If that's the case, it's probably because french gov gives you a ton of money after your 4th kid. Good for him, i guess, but that doesn't make him any less of a psycho retard
>i stabbed my best friend 23 times because satan told me to do it xDd
>then i looked into the camera and smiled... T. Edgymcedgeworth
Varg is a fedoralord used by less fedoralings who think they're smart

>fucks like a rabbit
>makes shitty music
>lives on welfare
yep, varg is a nigger

Having offspring is the best metric to judge a person's success by actually.

So niggers who live off welfare and have 12 kids are successful entrepreneurs?

Better be a John Sneed than a Varg

They're more successful than you lol

Africa must be really successfull then eh nigger ?

Yeh, they're on course to taking over Europe as we speak. You'd know all about that, I'm sure.

i don't see how that makes them entrepreneurs but it clearly makes them successful

No way they were from Ajay. What motivation would he have? They were probably from Pagan, with the "canon" ending being Ajay leaving Kyrat at the very beginning

>He failed his life as a musician
You're right on all accounts besides this. He played as one of the most influential black metal projects.

This game was unironically kino, the only good Farcry since 3.
I like when games are bold and that ending really was.

>He says while his daughter deepthroated a negro

Influential because it's fronted by a retard who stabbed his best friend.

>black metal projects
So he's a failure of a musician?

>vargfags simp for welfare queens
No we know where those babies are coming from I guess

Not really, no. I have a good job, a gf, and 20k in the bank without saving. I much prefer my situation than a tiny shitty apartment in squalor and filth.
If niggers are gonna inherit a scorched earth, they can have it. I don't care.

They will because you didn't breed lol
You put muh comfy ahead of spreading your seed, just like all the other wybois