AMD, Intel and Nvidia are releasing their new hardware in coming months but there are no games to take advantage of it

AMD, Intel and Nvidia are releasing their new hardware in coming months but there are no games to take advantage of it.
Just look at their graphs, testing 10 year old Counter Strike and 5 year old Tomb Raider.
What happened to gaming industry and why are there no good games anymore?
Not only they look bad but plays even worse.

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I want to say that's a good thing because now we can start pushing hardware for higher res/framerates/VR on lower end systems or games taking advantage of this extra power for things other than graphix. Unfortunately, it's probably just going to result in optimization getting thrown out the window even more and recommended specs bloat.

There's plenty of games that take advantage of hardware just most of them aren't good but despite that benchmarkers use those games because they know exactly what they impact and lets the user know what performance jump they're getting

gaming industry is in the know
no point in making games if 80% of their potential customers will die in next 3 years

dev cycles take like 5 fucking years now, maybe 6 for some games thanks to covid. console generations only last like 7 years so you shouldn't expect to upgrade your graphics card until we start seeing games made explicitly for the series x and ps5 instead of being crossgen titles that are held back by having time and resources spend on the last gen versions. most pc ports these days end up being multiplats anyway so consoles are going to hold everything back, the last game that was really impressive graphically was cyberpunk with rtx but cyberpunk isn't a game they're going to advertise with. amusingly the ps4/xbox one basically exploded if they tried to play cyberpunk so yeah.

>There's plenty of games that take advantage of hardware
You mean ray tracing trash?
Yea I wonder why they won't show them running at 40fps with terrible frame pacing.

>console generations only last 7 years
the ps4 and xboner lasted 10
console generations are only getting longer

I want higher resolution and framerates.

kids are unironically more obsessed with FPS more so than boomers nowadays due to the popularity of eSports and abundance of ecelebs preaching having over 200hz monitors.

Yeah ray tracing is garbage and a meme in almost every scenario except for a brand new game but any game is based around it is going to be god awful because there's no one in their right mind to do that

vr games will put your hardware to its knees. if you just play mainstreat flatfag slosh then yeah might as well stick to a 750ti.

Yeah but will it work with my b450?

might upgr8 from a 6800 xt to a 7800 xt if the price is right; 4k 144hz is great, but the 6800 xt struggles staying at 144 fps with some games

they released the series x and ps5 about 7 years into their lives though. about 7-10 years for a graphics card seems like a good estimate for what to expect though.

Thats a good thing, hardware prices have been fucking ridiculous for years now and now theres no real need to upgrade when hardware is this expensive.

I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to go beyond a 5800x, if the prices for zen 4 didnt feel like covid prices id actually consider it but nah, they can eat my cock.
They already panic lowered prices to exhaust supplies of zen 3

Nvidia is on the same page, probably worse because their golden crypto cow is gone

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It should be unacceptable for a game to be under 60fps today but consoles tards keep eating it up

My RX 580 will live on forever at this point.

Honestly I cannot think of anything worth a damn to upgrade over for most users
for me yeah there's a reason to upgrade but I have no reason to anything but to wait since I get more performance out of

Everytthing these days looks really trashy besides a few AA games and some indies

kek sitting comfy at a 5600x and rx 580 4g. only reason id upgrade the 580 is for blender gpu rendering. cunts at amd decided to make the blender devs lives so difficult they dropped opencl support a year ago and ive been on cpu rendering since.

I got a 3600x and a 1050 ti it works for most games but the older you go beyond 2012 everything runs like dogshit but I'll upgrade the GPU some day

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>Just look at their graphs, testing 10 year old Counter Strike and 5 year old Tomb Raider.

Kek, it's because it's graphs for a CPU, CS:GO is a great test for single core performance and Shadow of the Tomb Raider is great for Vulkan/multicore performance, it has almost nothing to do with the quality of old or new games. Notice Borderlands 3 having a whopping 6% uplift because it's almost entirely GPU limited. These new CPUs will show way better performance when new GPU's launch.

>Just look at their graphs, testing 10 year old Counter Strike and 5 year old Tomb Raider.
They are popular testing games that net them the most gains. Can't convince gamers to upgrade if the latest games get next to no improvement.

I upgraded to a 5800X a year ago but I'm still stuck running a Radeon 390X. Technically it has the grunt I need for standard gaming, but it runs hot and loud, it's on legacy drivers and I'm thinking about getting a VR headset and getting deeper into 3D modelling, so I really need a GPU upgrade like yesterday. Problem is, I still feel like it's worth waiting for the next generation, either for a chance to nab a decent new card or to see price cuts on the current gen ones, but the waiting's a bitch. Not sure what to do.

They will be using AM5, so no.

waiting and biding time is the worst part. rtx 4k is the worst to me right now because of that stupid wattage usage, if they were more friendly on power usage id wait to pick up a mid end one. Never going AMD after all the trouble their stupid drivers cause.