When did it all go so wrong? Or was it always bad?

When did it all go so wrong? Or was it always bad?

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When they hired women.

nothing is wrong
the game has always been about the process of figuring out builds and see how far you can take it
once you beat the bad guys and satisfied with your builds and arsenal, take a long break and return when they have a bunch of new shit to farm again

Energy siphon, volt’s 4, and serration.
Everything after that was an inevitable slippery slope

No I'd argue that rivens killed their motivation for balancing weapons. Instead of making weaker weapons stronger they instead just increase riven disposition as a half-assed bandaid solution that doesn't work for most of the unique weapons that don't have prime/Prisma/quanta/kuva/etc variants like one of my old favorites, the sonicor, which still sucks even with a riven.

Plains of Eidolon was the turning point where I realized DE was going to ignore the base game in its entirety to add random content islands that dont interact with each other and require you to grind some dumbass shit like fish or fucking mining

when they got rid of coptering and gauntlet/raids, and void keys allegedly. it's true that DE hates fun and will nerf something into the ground the moment that someone's pearls are clutched for whatever reason. fuck DE. faggots, all of them.

The infested open world map is the worst one yet too, fucking hated that place.

It was never good, but they keep nerfing everything that isn't the hardcore nolifer build meta if the update, so you basically can't play unless you already have everything.
When they made gara's damage reduction and heal simply not work on objectives, I lost interest so hard. I could brute force shitty/fun builds before. Now I'd rather slit my wrists.

weak weapons against low level mobs
remember, level 40-60 is the upper vanilla, anything beyond that is autism
and I sure have lots of it, it seems

Why the fuck would you need dmg reduction to work on objectives? It's piss-easy to protect objectives anyways.

void keys were so gay and it always took like a half hour to find a competant group to go get those corrupted mods

post youre gunfu

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I don't know the answers to theze questions, but it will soon be good when they finally kill AOE and Wukong.

he bad, please understand
shitters need every ounce of exploit they can get their hands on
He's just parroting the mass. He didn't have to stay in T4 Survival hours upon hours, for a chance for that one thing to drop every 20 minutes, and to only keep that one single thing after extraction.
Fucking zoomers, I swear.

I got this game on PC and ps3 or PS4. Played it for a few days when it first dropped. Never touched it until a year ago. Amazon was giving out free shit for the game. I was bored with the current looter games I had. I started playing. The maps are the same. I have no idea what was going on. I gave up a few times. Only reason i played was because I found out I could play as the tenno from an old game I liked called dark sector. Eventually i maxed out the stuff I liked and I found out the only way to progress was to grind weapons I didnt like. The game was obviously old as shit. Even with the upgraded experimental features the background textures of maps looked like shit on my 4k screen. Eventually I just spent enough time away from the games i was burned out on and went back to those and new games. Never came back. I still redeem free shit from my amazon account.

Eat my fucking ass. I want everything to have 90% dr, that's half the fucking point of the ability. Now I can't do so. Piss off with your difficulty bullshit.

Still looking for a nice riven for this bad boy

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they nerfed ember ult so I could no longer jew newbies out of having kills
always satisfying watching a dude desperately try to score a kill only to end up with 0

cripple kids was the beginning of the end
>hey so we have these cool mecha infested guys called warframes an-
>"I want to make this game about some kids instead"

>game is about being an OP badass ninja power fantasy
>nerf all the best shit until nothing is fun and its impossible to break the game
fucking DE

>quite literally just a basic ability of a frame
Exploit these nuts.

That wan't a nerf
That was a spite move against people like you, while buffing anyone who wanted to bring Embers into level 60-90

they're fucking ugly as sin, too
maybe if they were cute, but, no


wtf are you talking about? Ember became complete and utter trash after that nerf and I stopped using her completely because she brought nothing to the table

ew, I'd rather bring saryn or volt (unless they nerfed either)
ember's good for nothing now

Man you people will complain over the tiniest shit I swear.

the adults look better
all kids, except that one singular combination, look like albino african