Is Nagito someone we should aspire to be like?

Is Nagito someone we should aspire to be like?

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I refuse to believe that anyone that played the three main Danganronpa games doesn't consider DR2 the best in the series.

Best cast, best cases, Hopeman shenanigans... Pure SOUL

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Well yes, DR2 IS the best one.
The executions are a bit stupid and wack but it makes sense after you realize what the twist was.

But yea it got the best cast, the best music by faaaaar, and overall the most fun.
I still hate Hajime's japanese voice, he sounds like a pussy, so i played it in English dub where Hajime sounded badass

Nagito is someone I aspire to kiss

Only if you want everybody to die around you and constantly get involved in disasters, only to immediately receive fortunes in the aftermath.
You should enjoy hating him as well.

Yes he was so fucking based.

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tbf the execution for the nurse girl felt like they made it on spot with how terrible it was

>Best cast,

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I guess DR2 would be the best one, if only shuichi wasn't so fucking based

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He's gay so no

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t-trannysisters...??? how could Shuicihi betray us like this?!

kek, based as fuck

They are such great friends

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Nagito hated Hajime and the rest of the remnants you stupid faggot

it's ok he gets over it and everyone is pals at the end of 3 (canon)

Someone red pill me on VNs. I think they're boring and don't get how anyone can find this style of "gameplay" entertaining

if its not in a game then its not canon

you put up with the gameplay to experience the story, same as RPGs.

this is cope from retards that didn't know you're supposed to read 0 before 2

It's like a picture book except you press X 10,000 times if you're too impatient to just let it auto and play out like a tv show.

Ones like DR, Ace Attorney, or YTTD do have some gameplay, since you have to investigate shit and solve the cases.
Otherwise I read VNs because I want to read with the pretty pictures