Fallout 3 > 4

Fallout 3 > 4

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he's in prison

free my man Shad

I agree somewhat, OP. I wish 4 had kept the creepiness of 3.

I thought he got out. Was he arrested twice or what? I haven't kept up sorry

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Forgot to say I agree, 3>4

>gets cucked into not drawing loli anymore
kek oh yeah hes a bitch

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No but he gets Internet on an old phone by drawing mockups for the prison guards. Think he lets them fuck his ass too idk


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What's he in for

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>Man of Shad

and he gets arrested anyway lmao

He stabbed some guy with a railroad spike over a dragon ball argument

So is he free or nah?

Vault Meat is so fucking hot.

nta, was just coming to say the vault girl was cute, but thanks

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>gets out
>immediately makes art of his prison warden’s daughter
Would it be based?

based beyond belief

What does it really mean to be free? Some would argue 3 Square meals a day with a free place to stay is living free

Texted something horny to a 17.999 years old in America.