All they are doing is making the dead space 3 we never got

>all they are doing is making the dead space 3 we never got
I'm pumped

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We did get Dead Space 3.

No we didn't.

I'm really disappointed with how boring the enemy designs are, that was Dead Space's highlights. The enemies in this look like the most generic faggots imaginable.

personally I think deadspace 1 is GOTG and DS2 is a MEH game... and I have to say

I see NOTHING of the INNOVATION and TECHNOLOGY that made me cum over DS1 so hard. IT looks amazing though, so I'll definitely give it a pirate. But I'm not at all interested as of yet. It looked like ... well.. deadspace... without any new shit. I really hope they got a silent protag with mind problems like in ds1.

We've seen some cool looking monsters I'm just hoping will see a bunch of cool monsters in the game it's self and the zombie dudes are just the generic fodder enemies you fight early on.

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The biggest change here seems that merely cutting off the limbs is not enough this time as they can regenerate them and also mutate into stronger versions if you don't kill these tentacles that pour out of them.

I'm talking about the curazay sound AI, the sound mixing in general, the cool weapons, the stellar set designs, the fun bits of technology like the holographic map (only ds1, sadly), the 3D layered menu that's projected in front of you, the gravity guns, the time dilated enemies, the GIB anti gravity plateaus, 0 grav zone, the MOST PERFECTLY SIMULATED SOUNDS OF BEING OUTSIDE OFA SPACE SHIP IN ANY PIECE OF MEDIA EVER

. It just felt like they looked at Resi 4 and thought: 'nice game, but we can do WAYYYY better'. I dont think CP can even come close to these feels, because they'd be retreading a lot of old tech. The hivemind at Any Forums doesn't understand, but DS was crazy innovative in a lot of little different ways.

I'll play it, I'll even accept a deadspace 1.2. But I really fear they will go full deadspace 2 amusement park with silly F bombs, throwaway protags and they lose the sense of isolation and scaredness.

Now that I think of it... Alien: Isolation also had crazy technical innovation? Must be a coincidence.

>personally I think deadspace 1 is GOTG and DS2 is a MEH game
every change 2 and 3 made were for the worse

The thing that you have to understand about DS1 faggots is that they have some sort of idealized version of dead space 1 in their head where they think it's some sort of incredibly subtle and atmospheric horror experience instead of an RE4 inspired action game in space specifically because they always focus on the iconography of a mute Isaac Clarke exploring an abandoned ship like the Ishimura and how much scarier in concept it is than the sprawl. As such they also completely ignore the fact that Dead space is completely action focused in it's moment to moment gameplay and that you often face 3-4 necromorphs at a time while not even having to conserve on resources because all necros drop them upon death.

They'll do the same thing with Dead space 2 where they'll focus on all the times Isaac drops some quips and proceed to call it marvel movie shlock that abandoned the horror genre while also completely ignoring some sections that are even scarier than anything in DS1 because it doesn't fit with this pre-concieved notion of what they think DS2 is.

I replayed 1 recently and replaying 2 rn
the lack of map and exploration is a tangible hit to atmosphere, ds2 is far more reliant on just throwing waves after waves of enemies on you, and nu-Isaac is neither interesting nor compelling a character
other than new weapons and enemies, and visually more diverse environments, ds2 is a downgrade

replayed and finished ds1 5 times. Played ds2 2 times, and couldnt finihs out of boredom, checkmate reatrd.

open sprawling spaceship with tangible physics vs near capeshit levles of retarded plot

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the same argument could be made for 3 compared to 2.
But anyway you are exagerating, 2 focusing more on action, Isaac talking, Isaac getting a trusty waifu, Ironman and scripted Uncharted sequences, are valid points and good reasons to state that 2 is inferior to 1.
They are both action games if you want, yes, but 2 is definitely more action focused and went a little too far in that direction.


Dead space 2 was better then one


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you're probably one of those homo's that played the game on easy and with mouse support. You like soulless action shoot em ups, so you like deadspace 2, robocop 2 and terminator 3.

Nope I played on Xbox 360 and muh difficulty kys faggot I have beat all dead space games on all difficulties

nice edit

They've only showed one type of enemy off. Stop getting mad that they're not showing their hand faggot. That's not criticism. The games gonna be scary then really fun on succeeding players with the new game+ carry overs

Nah, dead space 1 is overrated
Few iconic moments, little variation in level design, the game gets tedious at the end, Isaac could solve several conflicts talking but he doesn't, Isaac is too dumb for not realizing what's happening, Valor, a ship full of army is dominated BY ONE (1) Necromorph, which they already knew what they were dealing with, the "environmental storytelling" gets cringe after a while (yes, a soldier loses his leg and keeps holding it just to die when you get to him), kinesis is too slow, etc...

That's not really an excuse when even the normal mooks in Dead Space were still fucking cool and interesting, while here our main enemy is the same tumor zombies we've been getting for the past decade. I'm hoping they're more interesting stuff like the tentacle thing but still.

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fact is nobody except braindead retards talk about deadspace 2 when discussing callisto protocol, that should tell you enough.

I remember pirating this game, god of war and spiderman.. fuck they were lame. really glad I didnt buy a ps5

Callisto Protocol is the only Q4 AAQ in 2022 worth getting.