2 DEEP 4 U

>2 DEEP 4 U

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>turns into a stop light

There's nothing deep about it, it's just a weird japanese exploration game, you fucking fag.

My god....

i love this game!!!!!!! ^_^

Also all the fan games sucks :p

oh and i'm trans btw if that matters :o

>muh Earthbound-like RPG about depression
no thanks

peak midwit NPC thread

Why these walking sims are so hard to install?

It’s not an RPG cocksucker

I don't care.

Nice opinion.
Which jaded incel gave it to you?

I dont get why everyon was obsessed soo much with the lore...
Is just a game, an experience...

Suck my dick you big faggot

I want to be 2 deep in her too

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oppss sorry i forgot the 3d remake is the only good one

Every time I want to replay this I’m reminded of the stupid cocksocker NPCs that teleport you to inescapable areas forcing you to wake up and walk all the way back to where you wear

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Its not about anything you dumb fucking nigger. Its just some guy putting stuff out there
>not an RPG
>not an earthbound-like
>not about anything
Keep repeating phrases you heard on the internet

I really wished he slowed down the times that nigga kidnaps you at some point of the development

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The game is good, and I also like the most well known fangames.
Just use ghost or stoplight effect.

Nobody mention the easter egg area that has Mother 1's art style

And the overworld that has DQ1 style.

half the game rips off moonside from mother 2