Why did they make him so fat?

Why did they make him so fat?

Do they want the I am Jazz audience?

Attached: Bridget_Guilty_Gear_Strive.png (2985x3847, 2.35M)

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For comparison:

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estrogens hitting hard


Censorship. Compare exposed skin ratio to old design. Also, they're scared of being called pedo if they use old slender design since that looks younger.

Don’t forget they removed the christian crosses and removed the male symbol with some gendertranny one, as to not offend trannies

Everyone that bought Strive might as well have put a bullet in Abe’s head


Reminder that japanese players confirmed he's explicitly stated to be a boy both in the site and in the bio. Reddit groomers keep coping

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I categorically refuse to listen to anything a jap says

As japanese as you and me.

So? This is an american game designed by, written by and financed by americans. Namco is a globalist corporation. Just because the code monkeys live in Japan doesn’t mean their opinion has weight. Would you care what dubai edition has to say if the janitor at the office was an arab?

he's just eating well, nothing wrong with that

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What does male pussy feel like, Any Forums?

like a tight grip on your cock

Attached: CENSORSHIP.jpg (835x985, 329.2K)

tight and yummy

all he does it talk with japanese people

Put your thumb in your ass

This didnt feel too good

What do you like the most about him?

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Blonde femboy, and he has a pretty smile.
Never played GG, though, I kinda hate ArcSys as a whole.

How big is his cock?

all the boorus list bridget as male so if they want to fap to their new trans icon they will always have to see him be "misgendered" at the same time lmao

>when the artists niche fetish shows
cant unsee

>Why did they make him so fat?
You ever see a tranny? Almost all of them are hamplanets


Attached: bridget.jpg (1000x2000, 280.6K)

his gameplay

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