No matter what the key board warriors say, he'll always be one of the top wrestlers of his era...

No matter what the key board warriors say, he'll always be one of the top wrestlers of his era. He ushered in a new age of non-WWE talent and showed everyone what was rotting away at the WWE before anyone else. I have a great fucking theme song he's carried from company to company and he's always spoken from his fucking heart.

Hate him or not he is one of the most real wrestlers of the modern era.

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Okay, how you know?

nice blog post bozo

CM punk shits on you

Literally everyone that has a half-decent match is a "modern GOAT" these days. It's a revolving door of flavours of the month because wrestling's colder than an eskimo's nut hair.
Punk's not particularly notable though. Bryan was the indie guy who eclipsed him with a thematically similar run in WWE, and AEW simply doesn't matter.

>Literally everyone that has a half-decent match is a "modern GOAT" these days.
this is actually true, and you'll be eating your words when kyle o'reilly is inducted into three different halls of fame

No i won't because no wrestling hall of fame means anything whatsoever

cm phil is the biggest financial flop in wrestling history

That's been debunked about twenty different times including by Tony himself but ok

>flops completely in his big return to wrestling

CM Punk had a great run in WWE. Good talker, most of his stuff looked weak in the ring, but had cool factor and was a good looking guy.

Leaves, weird tweets, gets exposed as fake tough guy and embarrassed in MMA, now a shitty worker who looks terrible. His mic skills are still there but the words mean nothing as he can’t back it up, failed on Fox, and is a childless 45 year old guy with an ugly wife.

cant draw shit

>ugly wife.
oh come on april is kind of cute

Years ago, yes.

Now, no.

Attached: A1591A68-9C67-4EF7-80BA-03391A11FFC5.jpg (1068x601, 55.23K)

looks fine for mid 30s

Hi Phil how is your foot? Did you cry again today and have to have April kiss it to make you feel better?


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yeah that's fine

I hate that he has been using CoP as his default theme since 2011. I only like him using it when he has the title. Otherwise, use AFI.

>I have a great fucking theme song

Hi Phil

>indian boy

>I have a great fucking theme song he's carried

Happy fathers day Phil. Oh wait nevermind AJ most likely aborted 3-5 kids of yours.

He just blustered at a press conference without actually providing any numbers for proof.

if by indian you mean the west indies and by boy you mean tomboy then yes, cute

>I have a great fucking theme song
no you don't pajeet. in living colour has always sucked

Sorry Tony didn't have a fucking stack of financials next to him at the media scrum, dronie. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take his word on this because you know it's his money that he is spending.