I beat Cleric Beast. Tell me I'm a real gamer

I beat Cleric Beast. Tell me I'm a real gamer

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How many tries did it take?

you were probs overleveled frog man

I lost count after 30. Still tell me I'm a real gamer

congrats on beating the first boss, but u arent a real gaymer till you beat ludwig and kos without any cheesy shit

Noo. Tell me

cheesy shit like parrying?

you're a real gamer frogfella, now you can go stop pretending you're hardcore and go play a game you actually like instead

you're a faggot

beat jump king and i will kneel

you're cute and talented, a true gamer

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no like getting the boss stuck in some corner and hittin him from far away or whatever
i dont like parrying in BB tho

You go gamer, now progress in the game and beat Gascoigne.

>beating the tutorial boss

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not him but lmao is Bloodborne your first souls? my advice is go for the booty on big bosses and be agressive. Farm vials if you need to and pratice your gun parries with the bulky guys with the bricks on the first area, good luck. Also father gascoine is the next boss so stock up on cocktails and oil jars also
get the music box from the girl on the first area

you used [intended mechanic]
you didn't beat it

Wow I am finally a real gamer thanks guys

Don’t forget to tell everybody you meet irl too

Congrats, you can now tell people online to git gud

Can I become a real gamer too?

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Consistent parrying is a skill, just like melee with good form. Cheesy shit is stuff like magic. Git gud fag