Go to job interview at a game studio

>go to job interview at a game studio
>they make phone games
>interviewer: “So what phone games do you play, user?”
>blank out because I don’t play any
>blurt out the first that comes to mind
>”I play a little Genshin Impact sometimes haha”
>every interviewer (two women and a guy) is visibly disgusted
>”We’ll call you”
How badly did I fuck up?

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They'll call you user.

You did it.

If you actually play gayshit impact you deserve to be homeless

should've just said Raid Shadow Legends or some shit

Why make roleplaying threads like this? Just make a thread shitting on Genshin we're down for shitting on some chinkshit at any time user. Your roleplay is very thought out for something that didn't happen, you might have some sort of condition.

>job interview at a game studio
this was your first mistake

Women love Genshin boys tho.

Attached: 1655185617230.png (1996x2003, 1.27M)

>none because they all suck dick
>I'm here to make a good game

>Myself? I am a Super Mecha Champions enjoyer.

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>>every interviewer (two women and a guy) is visibly disgusted
Learn to read human emotions retard, they're angry/jealous/embarassed not disgusted.

Every single mobile dev on earth wants the same success genshin had but they all know it's completely out of their reach so the mere mention of it makes them seethe

>Only mobile games I play are emulators

Attached: I only play real games.jpg (500x500, 31.94K)

My company doesn't want to fail like Genshin, we want our game being a household name for more than 3 months. We don't plan on having the crash and burn phase that Mihoyo is having right now.

>"Yeah I play Infinity Blade. What sorta games do you folks make?"
>Interviewer: "We uhhhh we make pixel art games about cat cafes and-"
>Look visibly disgusted, peek down at your watch and tell them you'll call them
Always pull a 180 when shit like that happens user.

>Infinity Blde

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A mobile game from 2010 looks better than console games released in 2022

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ITT: things that never happened


u will get ground 2 dust if u get hired
Why not pick higher margin, lower effort industry with B2B software?

>90% of mobileshit are gacha sexy PNG games
>wtf we ask for mobile games and he names one of the million sexy games
Maybe they were disgusted because you said yes, instead of saying no, mobile is garbage. but normalfags tend to have shit taste

Should have told them you played FGO instead, the HR cutie gave me her number and we a great time the following night

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I had a similar interview and I told them I don't like phone games.
I got the job.

This never happened, but you deserve every bad thing that comes towards you for playing gachashit.

Like its not dead but ok

>go to job interview at a game studio
>they make phone games
what the fuck is wrong with you?

If you're a mobile game company and you aren't seriously looking at Genshin as competition, you will not last.
That's just ignorance to the most iconic mobile game of the last few years, instead of learning what people like about it and how you might be able to adapt.