How do we make fighting games more accessible to veterans?

Is it really hard to teach an old dog new tricks?

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They just need to get good, obviously. That's always been the case for fighting games, and I fail to see how that's any different now. It's not like your choice of input peripheral has matter up until now, right?

Exactly. There's still the dexterity barrier that we must all do. If the controller was cheating then you wouldn't have to train on it.

I'm genuinely surprised it took them so long to figure out the joystick is actually a handicap you can do without in a fighting game. I thought it was fucking obvious since like the 90s.

You have to be super retarded to play a fighting game on a hitbox, but by no means would I ever want them banned.

Someone beats me using a hitbox, I just say "you only won because you're using a hitbox".
I beat someone using a hitbox, "you were using a hitbox and I STILL beat you LMAO"

Also this is why I play fighting games exclusively on keyboard. No better back pocket cope than "I was using a keyboard lmao".

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user, just admit you're a dinosaur stuck in your own ways. That's okay, I don't think I'm going to move off using pad because I enjoy using it even though it's the least precise controller to use for fighting games.

Now I understand why controller users get angry at people using KB+M playing games on PC. It's just a weird cope.

Yup. They get mad because you're not using their handicapped controls.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to spend money on a specialty controller.

If you're serious about fighting games, having a premium controller becomes desirable.

What's the difference between a hitbox and a keyboard? Are they not basically the same thing in terms of inputs?

Video games aren't for poor people.

On the contrary, video games is the nearly cheapest hobby and is the one of the best hobby if you're poor.

>not using mouse+mouse for complete domination

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Which means that if you can't afford something like a controller for such a cheap hobby, you shouldn't be playing games.

shut the fuck up

its basically just a more ergonomic keyboard since the buttons are way lower and more responsive

Just bind your keys to where your fingers most naturally rest and use lower key caps

>Hit Box
>paying $200+ for a 12 button keyboard

I have been using pic related and other track balls for years, easier on my wrist. Recently been getting a lot of shit from apex players and other shooters with kill cams looking jank.

Worse than a regular mouse for fps, only benefit is you can 360 all day long with out picking up the mouse. But I am still cheating apparently because it's no a traditional mouse.

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A lot of controllers are just shit with input delay. Sure its literally milliseconds but in fighting games its most noticeable since that means one attack overrides the other or cancels it out.

is a more responsive keyboard

Sanwa parts make it a little more responsive and fluid to press.

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>Controllers are just a coping mechanism to me

Is the hitbox not just a fancy keyboard with a better layout for fighting