Xenoblade 3

Shania is the best girl.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't want to fix her. But I do want her.

No, Mio is

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Harem ending is just a meme based on an interpretation of Rex's body language rather than explicit confirmation.
All three kids have the hair color of their mother and Rex is stooped over all three seated girls because Takahashi wanted it to be vague and open to interpretation who Rex got with.
It's a whole different story if all three babes had the same hair color as Rex, like Noah's CONFIRMED son shared the same hair color as his dad.
Nia not once confirms she married Rex or that Rex is Mio's father.
Takahashi is a fucking pussy that wanted to please everyone and it backfired.

>waifu posting and ritual posting

So this is how XB3 threads die? May be time to fuck off to /vg/.

Shitta side character thinking she belongs to the main cast.

Are you sure about that? She seems like kind of a bitch.

I love Rex!

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So what's your favorite class? Did you find any wacky builds on your own that you enjoyed?

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I'm convinced it's a bot posting these at this point. A human can only go so long without sleep before they die.

Dumb "So this is how XB3 threads die?" poster.

e-celebs should be a banable offense.

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>Rex tapped Zeke

If it's a bot, then can we trust it came to those conclusions objectively?

>press X
>aggro stolen
trying to work around this for now

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Thanks for all the memes from the last thread.
Here is my contribution.

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General consensus seems to be

>Story is meh
>Characters are kino
>World is okay not great
>Combat is the best in series
>OST is kinda meh
>Villains are the worst in the series
>Side quests are hit and miss
>Pic related has the most laughably bad ascension quest


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>best character from 3 is just a 2 character
>not even one of the best characters from 2
why did they even make 3

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Gee Nia, how come Takahashi let you be the cutest girl in TWO games?

XC2 Elma has the creepiest goddamned face.

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What did she mean by this?

>Dude potatoes and travelling half way across the world lmao
Imagine doing this Niggas quest without fast travel. Canonically these dudes walk to the other side of the world for potatoes. Like 3 times.

I don't think I could ever enjoy XB2 again, Nia looks like a fucking child to me now.

Zeon's quest is kino, city slickers just don't understand

>best character from 3 is just a 2 character
Oh, shit. Mio was also on XC2? Never saw her.

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Fuck off ritual poster, you're not contributing to the threads.

>>Pic related has the most laughably bad ascension quest
There's definitely too much back and forth and waiting/paying for rain is cancer but at the very least I appreciate it for its worldbuilding implications.

She was in Nia's ovaries.

I actually really liked that ascension quest. Trying to start up agriculture with no real knowledge or experience seems like it'd be a bitch, so it felt like it took an appropriate amount of tedium and frustration. My only complaint is that the fields weren't bigger. But I really liked sidequests where you're actively helping colonies create a new way of life for themselves.


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XC3 is the best jrpg in the last 25 years. idc what the Any Forumseddit circlejerk thinks

>worldbuilding implications
What, that people need food to live? You needed a side quest for that?

t. Kite

Meant for

You can never have too much MSG.

3tards everyone

>Mio in Xeno 2

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Here we are!

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These designs are so soulless

I like Soulhacker a lot for having a complete reaction combo in a single character, and having nearly every part of it as Agnus arts.

>>Story is meh
Falls off hard at Swordmarch
>>Characters are kino
Best in the series
>>World is okay not great
>>Combat is the best in series
>>OST is kinda meh
It has some good shit but is a massive step down from the last few games
>>Villains are the worst in the series
Yes, the Consuls are jobbers
>>Side quests are hit and miss
They got very samey very quickly, there's some good ones tho
>>Pic related has the most laughably bad ascension quest
Yes, can't defend that shit


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The fact that this game doesn't have heart to hearts is an absolute disgrace. I'd consider it more of a series staple than the forced meme that is unique monster names

More so that they find a reliable food source to replace the rations they'd been receiving. Would've been pretty fucking easy to just say that everyone just started scavenging or living off the land, the fact that the game addresses the particulars of finding a particular crop and growing your own food on a large scale is more than I expected.

Okay Threetard.

3 has my favorite OST. I thought 2's was the odd one out because the only song I can remember from 2 is the vocal insert song that I don't like, but plays over a bunch of important moments.

I still don't understand this retarded scene
honestly the last two "chapters" ruined this whole game for me

I like the story, world, and villains. The story in all the games is pretty basic, but they all touch on deeper meanings. The villains for the most part are just fodder, but you got ones like J, D, N, X and Z who have more depth to them. I think as far as the world goes, the Bionis, Mechonis, and the Titans are just really cool as a setting, but in 3 it's still neat to have a huge world that's more of a mashup of 1 and 2's worlds. I really like the Erythia Sea too as just a huge open area to explore by boat.


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No one should waste an arte slot on Break except Sena, it simply isn't worth it.

It does, they're all part of the story and they're all voiced..

Based subtle gay representation (IE not shoved down my fucking throat)

It was a different time bros

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So do i just spend all my silver coins on leveling jobs

You DID get your special edition, right anons?
When the fuck is the artbook/steelbook being delivered?

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It's pazza, you uncultured swine. Acqua pazza is a real dish.

My late game build was entirely focused on getting as many Burst combos as possible to try to alleviate the pain of grinding for X gems when I eventually go for those.

Campfire talks are heart to hearts equivalent. I like them better, fuck having to save and reload to see every reaction of a h2h.

>subtle gay representation
Her mother just happened to have a male harem!

/vg/ isn't good either


Yeah I guess. You can farm them anyway. The accessories are mostly kind of shite.

Not like there's anything else worth spending it on, and the DLC will probably dump even more on you.

Fuck you!

Like I'm saying, you can equip every stage except break, let Sena handle that for the entire party. Troubadour is my resident buster.

>spend 10+ hours both days waiting to buy it and never got it because of their dogshit site
>game itself ended up being a disappointing asset flip
honestly considering killing myself

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I dunno about it really being a different time. I remember people getting pissed at the movie Paranorman because it's revealed at the end that the guy the older sister is interested in likes boys and it was meant to be a joke in the same way, but [people were really annoyed by it. Then there were people who thought Frozen was a gay allegory between sisters. I think the internet had already damaged people's brains even back then.

I have break+topple fusion on Noah because it's fun

>J, D, N, X and Z who have more depth to them
>J, D and X
N and Z have a bit of development, not too much, but they're really hurt by being pigeonholed with the little interaction they have with the party. D, J and X are kind of poor, J in particular is the only one with a lot of backstory and even then it's more about Lanz than J.

Where's the mod that restores this?

No use them on cooking.

>Announcing reports
Okay Threetard

Honestly why ever use mananas cooking when i can just teleport to a cafeteria somewhere and eat there

I mean that they play bigger roles than the consuls who just show up and are defeated like nothing. Sure they're not as deep as Malos, but that's not a huge deal.

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pain in the ass, and every food costs only 1 coin anyway

If you're an attacker class and need a positional, there are worse things than break, I suppose, but you'll be pissed off when the break doesn't proc on your fusion and you don't have a topple charge when Sena breaks.

>soulless cantina food

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the game shouldn't have had fast travel at all

>story is shit
>characters are wasted potential
>world is generic wastelands
>combat is inferior to 2
>ost is a massive disappointment
There fixed it for you

Mio is so beautiful. I like her so much. Better than even Mythra.

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Sena's great for breaking but Ogre doesn't come with break so she has to use Flashback, which is Kevesi and slow to recharge. Soulhacker's Agnus break art is stupid fast. With Soulhacker if you do a full burst combo, you recharge your break art by the time it's finished.

Where's Lanz's post?

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I think the problem is there's no big bad that has any kind of beef with the party. 3 desperately needed a Jin, Malos, Metal Face, Lao, etc, but all the villains just kinda show up a few times before they're defeated. I can't remember Z having more than a few interactions with Noah.

The bigger question is why bother eating at all when the food doesn't do anything?


Cooking doesn't work.

true, but it's not the only topple in the party so I can live with that

Fuck off, retard. Let other people make the threads without your autismal screeching.
Why can't new Xenoblade game have normal threads for once? Everytime some schizo has to shit everything up

Lanz and Sena are bros!

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She is seriously one of the prettiest characters ever put in a video game. Not the cutest, not the sexiest, but so absurdly heart-meltingly pretty.

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11 seconds for flashback, that's not slow at all. My Sena averages like two or three breaks a minute.