Its been a couple of years since this game came out, what are Any Forums's thoughts on it?

Attached: death-stranding-mountain-jump.jpg (1920x1080, 334.52K)

still a literal walking simulator

There's probably something about it that we'll look back on in twenty years and say "wow how did he predict this so accurately"

People already kind of live in isolation and subsist on deliveries of stuff. Lots of people are shut in. Wait til metaverse takes off. Or whatever.

Attached: gex.jpg (1005x1098, 299.87K)

Loved it. Very unique. The online stuff was fantastic. I agree with that sparse populations subsisting off of deliveries will be a big thing in 20-30 years and it will be looked back upon the same way people look at MGS today

Great game and I had a lot of fun playing it but why in the fuck would they not let you play the music you've unlocked on the go like in MGSV

It was a game. It felt like it needed much more content (which the updated release hopefully added but I didn't play that). The mario and princess beach line put me in a coma for 6 days, I still haven't recovered fully from that one. It was a cool game with a lot of interesting ideas that overall failed to put them together into a cohesive experience. It's more of a trot simulator through a "museum of cool sci-fi concepts" rather than an art exposition (which it tried really hard to be). I could also go on a bit of a tirade about how hard they teased Mads Mikkelsen with the trailers compared to how little he does in the story, he's a plot device more than a character.
It's like, the most 6.5/10 game ever. I'd recommend it if you like cool visual design or covid is preventing you from enjoying your life-long passion of hiking. Or if you like Greenland but can't go there.

I thought it was good, should've been GOTY. It's controls were impeccable, atmosphere was phenomenal, and the story was adequate enough. It was an interesting take. Glad I bought it, hopefully Kojimbo churns out more.

it was ahead of it's time and is blatantly a classic but anyone who says otherwise is blinded by hate and delusion and I say this as someone who genuinely hates walking simulators

>le heckin dialogue made me cringe so much!!
>le heckin story was so bad!!
why dont you comment on the only part that actually matters: gameplay. idiot, go watch a movie if you want your nuts tingled by some stupid storyline

the only people who enjoyed it are people who dont actually go out and walk around and do shit IRL

The story ruined it, got in the way of the meaty part

A great game but one that I have no intention of ever replaying.


The story interrupts the gameplay, you are forced to listen to mama’s low IQ faggotry to progress. In order to appreciate the story you need to stop doing deliveries. Stop and read emails, stop and watch a cutscene, stop and listen to codec calls, stop and talk to the cameo holograms. Fuck you retard.

I like open world games, but I don't think this is one I'd enjoy

>why dont you comment on the only part that actually matters: gameplay. idiot, go watch a movie if you want your nuts tingled by some stupid storyline
because directed by hideo kojima

the controls were alright, too many -hold- button prompts to navigate menus and things
and this is gonna sound stupid, but gta iv and v have spoiled me permanently on how smoothly a character can navigate or jump around on rough terrain
the game's gorgeous don't get me wrong but sam walks and jumps like a magnet is connecting him to the ground
also why the fuck does the trike feature so prominently in the opening when it drives like absolute ass because of all the rocks
and while i'm on a roll why the fuck do the trucks have the ability to raise themselves into the air wouldn't that just make them roll over

The story and cutscenes are an integral part of this game. If the "gameplay" was the only part that mattered then you might as well go hike in real life. That's like saying the only important part of a movie is the acting, not the plot. Crawl back into whatever shithole spat you out before you bring up another reality shattering take.

It's like a 6/10 for me. Funny he got Sony to blow money on a triple a driving/delivery sim disguised as a walking sim. I think the game could have done with combat since it didn't add much. Best marks it gets from me is the release time and being comfy while everyone flipped the fuck out about China's cold.

Bern playing it recently but its filtering me.

>run around delivering a package for 10mins
>Followed by a 2h cutscene every time
I just want to play videogames man.

>start game
>cutscene after cutscene
>trendy, restrictive, non-interactive triple A moviegame design
>forces you to listen to horrible sappy lite rock tracks from the start with NO way to turn the music off

I've never been filtered from a game so fast

get tf out of my industry then and watch Netflix, I promise you'll be happier if all you want is dialogue and amazing stories and emotional deep connections between characters and whatnot


I dunno I never played it. Thanks for the thread tho.

is this truly the best you could come up with? do you not have any better use of your time?


Easily one of the best games of the past decade.
Damn addicting and fun game with stellar atmosphere.

Yeah, actually. My mistake. I played this with my girlfriend when covid hit because it cancelled her trip to Iceland and she was bummed out about it.
You can do better than this I'm sure.