Literally what is his appeal

Literally what is his appeal
>does the same 4 moves every match and does them poorly
>"""good promo""" who bites Punk's shit constantly, even down to his cadence and how he says certain things
>looks fucking emaciated
>his gimmick is saying his name
>has a laundry list of pushes and titles literally everywhere he goes
>smarks will fall over themselves defending him if you say he sucks

Attached: 1654019123361.png (561x429, 93.34K)

No idea who that is based on the image. Looks like one of the young cucks.

Its you, Adam.

He must have some appeal since you can't stop thinking about him.

if you made this, KEK
if you didn't cringe

Ok, yeah, I figured this thread had to be about Adam Cole, but the image seriously makes me think of one of the Young Cucks


He is a fucking nerd. That's why. Just looked him up on Twitch, he is live streaming rn playing old Resident Evil. Troll him there if you wish.

I told him to hit the gym or no milly with a voice donation and was banned


hahahaha who drew this???

Booker T was right.

Adam cole is only liked by indie shitters who like watching slop

Made you seethe enough to make this thread. That's a sign of mental illness, by the way. Well adjusted people don't sit around in their mom's basement obsessing about things that make them angry all day.

Adam Cole sucks but I feel like the multiple threads about him are just one guy flooding the board for no reason because it’s the same shit every time

Kek what did Britt make him for dinner?

>Just conform, goy!

What the fuck do you even come here for then? Actual wrestling discussion? Kek you are in the wrong place, friend...

Bites Punk promos who in turn bites Raven's promos

He's got a cool entrance, but yeah you're right on most that other stuff, I'm pretty sick of him by now

YEAH! You sure showed him giving him your money! Retard.