What is your favorite Minecraft mob?

What is your favorite Minecraft mob?

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wither storm

I was expecting him to ejaculate


the bees because they're trans like me

I just think they're neat. Annoying, but neat.

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because they attack you over the slightest thing then kill themselves?

I'm an enderman enjoyer
genuinely spooked me as a kid

Back when the Nether had an unsettling ambience. Now these guys are just irritating.

Jenny in the sexo mod.

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Rana from the beta. Wish she was honored in some way. What a waste of a cute design.

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Why are her breasts round?

lmfao brutal
none of themor maybe villagers bc i can make a city for them to inhabit


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Blaze, but specifically the version from the mob talker mob from way back when.

Shulkers, because they give the only portable storage this game has for some fucking reason.

Because SlipperyT is a hack without appreciation for the finer form.

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Utterly incredible that Mojang made the villager breeding mechanics around the idea of players being able to expand villages and build cities for the villagers but instead everyone just universally builds breeding chambers and trading halls

>only portable storage this game has for some fucking reason.
not including ender chest ofc

Mojang also made it so villagers get picked off in short order if you live in, near, or in the same loaded chunk as a village, so any city you make has to be walled off and smothered in torches so zombies and skeletons won't just poof into existence and slaughter the townsfolk.
Iron golems don't do shit.

Ender chest aren't great, plus they are more of a personal storage than a portable one.

so yeah, making villagers so vulnerable and stupid made the trading halls and breeding buildings kinda necessary.