Why did Any Forums shit on MHW for "casualising" the series when Rise legitimately casualized it much further by adding...

Why did Any Forums shit on MHW for "casualising" the series when Rise legitimately casualized it much further by adding an easy win button so you don't have to dodge monsters' attacks anymore?

Was it because Rise was a Switch game and it's okay when Nintendo does it? Explain this hypocrisy Any Forums.

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>easy win button so you don't have to dodge monsters' attacks anymore
Oh you mean temporal mantle.

Both are casual doodoo, return to FU.

Cringe thread

>Why did Any Forums shit on MHW for "casualising" the series when Rise legitimately casualized it much further by adding an easy win button so you don't have to dodge monsters' attacks anymore?
Dumbass. Because Rise casualise evdb harder the series doesn't mean world didn't.
Hell, I remember plenty anons (me included) who got pissed of by generation ultimate doing weebshit with the styles.

Mantles wear out in two attacks though. Wirebugs are always there. They completely trivalized a major aspect of the game which was dodging attacks.

World wasn't on a Nintendo console therefore it bad

Because Any Forums will praise on a Nintendo system and shit on the competitors for doing the same thing. This is NintendGaf after all.

>Mantles wear out in two attacks though
Nice lie, on release temporal mantle was a full 2 minutes of complete immunity, it wasn't until IB that it was nerfed to 5 hits. Even then it was busted.

>all this cope
jeeze guys, settle down

the only cope was Any Forumstendo pretending Rise was good thankfully that meme is over

>They completely trivalized a major aspect of the game which was dodging attacks
Oh you mean like playing a light fast weapon trivialises dodging? Kiss my SA/GS using dick.

Only consolefags and mobilegame enjoyers (tendies) hated mhw. The rest of society enjoyed it quite a bit. Its a shame the new one is shackled to the switch or else it may have succeeded World.

>b-but i'm not a hypocrite, I only blindly defend Nintendo!

Both are shit and 3U is the best MH

I agree that Rise was shit. World was good though.

>game calls Monster Hunter
>its Shit
like a pottery

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>a good game releases on a nintendo system
i don't blindly defend nintendo, they put out a lot of stuff that's shit and i don't play that shit, YOU seem to believe that EVERYTHING made by nintendo is shit, which is you blindly attacking nintendo because shigeru miyamoto shit in your grandmothers mouth

i shit on world because of really terrible game design like 300 unskippable hour long cutscenes and the retarded "slowly follow the handler for 10 minutes through the map while every other second we zoom the camera up her asshole and take away your control so you can listen to her say absolutely nothing of value" bullshit world and iceborne was filled to the brim with. I expected world to be another tri where they cut a lot of bloat and refined the series, instead i got modernized MHf1 with shitty music and maps that make you want to kill yourself. that said i still put 800 hours into base world, but i bet 600 hours of that was grinding tempered quests to get an attack deco WHICH I NEVER GOT

ofc that's what it was. Lots of shitters couldn't and still can't play MHW so they act like it ruined the series despite being the objectively best game. Rise is still pretty good but it's got problems.

casualised as in "tone it down so western retards can get into it" and it was painful, dont get me wrong, I liked world and its clear Capcom put a lot of effort but monster hunter's identity took a hit, best example of this is the desecration of glavenus GS, they did rolled back the western-ization of MH with Rise but it still feels like Monster hunters localized retarded american zoomers

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>grinding tempered quests to get an attack deco WHICH I NEVER GOT
this right here is why I ultimately dropped the game, I have better things to do than playing glorified lootboxes

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Holy shit what a retardedly autistic post.

How is he wrong?