There's not a single native japanese gamer browsing this board

There's not a single native japanese gamer browsing this board.

Attached: 1553216992-feelsweirdmanw.png (300x300, 110.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

big if true
i fucked your mother if false

I don't think so.

Teriyaki-chaaan disagrees


Attached: E9B4A044-31FB-4951-B989-8EEEC4113B0B.jpg (382x591, 36.79K)


Go back.

Pig american love bad game Runescape

Fake and gay

Attached: 16218501553550.gif (600x449, 1.56M)

I am an actual native and I still believe that reddit is a better platform

bing bong ching chong hideo kojima dattebayo !!!

Then stay back there, you filthy Jappu.


Summon the quakers

Attached: 3775D0C3-9DA3-4054-9709-E70F9D15DB62.jpg (1920x1080, 351.99K)


Burn frogposters.
Kill frogposters.
Lynch frogposters.
Obliterate frogposters.
Stab frogposters.
Shoot frogposters.
Behead frogposters.
Crush frogposters in a hydraulic press.
Defecate on frogposters.
Beat frogposters.
Boil frogposters alive.
Whip frogposters.
Gas frogposters.
Blast frogposters with civil war cannons.
Torture frogposters.
Rape frogposters.
Drown frogposters.
Sneeze on frogposters and give them the Corona Virus.
Feed frogposters to the sharks.
Combust frogposters.
Twist frogposters heads off.
Eviscerate frogposters.
Poison frogposters.
Throw frogposters down wells.
Rip frogposters apart between two Trucks.
Incinerate frogposters.
Hang frogposters by their scalp.
Shit on a frogposters Grave.
Commit War Crimes against frogposters.
Bury frogposters Alive.
Cut a frogposters Dick off.
Throw Gay frogposters off Roofs.
Terrorize frogposters.
Send frogposters to the Moon.
Abort frogposters.
Explode frogposters.
Run over frogposters with a Semi Truck.
Sell frogposters on the Black Market.
Bash a frogposters Skull In.
Drop Napalm on frogposters.
Send frogposters to Auschwitz.
Put frogposters in a Cryogenic Freezer.
Steal drugs from frogposters.
Cut a frogposters Urethra out and hang him with it.
Fire AK-47's at frogposters.
Vaporize frogposters.
Slice frogposters with katanas.
Take a frogposters NEETBux Away.
Hang frogposters on a Cross.
Throw rocks at frogposters.
Enslave frogposters.
Convey death to frogposters.
Chop frogposters in half.
Sell frogposters.
Betray a frogposter.
Slay frogposters.
Nuke frogposters.

Attached: coalslayer.png (1796x1662, 120.53K)

A real jap bean here. Fuck gaijins and your political correctness bullshit. I live off drinking tears from trannies and niggers and I will live to 100 year old..


hello japanese gamers
what are some cool japanese games the west doesn't know about

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Popolocrois is one of my favorite games ever. I wish we had the real duology instead of the Frankenstein's monster we received but it'll do.

Truly the Any Forumseset era

I’m a paki.

That’s almost Japanese.

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that was me in my granny halloween outfit

I live in Japan and have licked numerous Japanese girl's buttholes. That's close enough.

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