Villain is evil because... HE'S LE UGLY

>villain is evil because... HE'S LE UGLY

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Yes. Just like in real life then :)

Ugly people are evil and don't deserve rights

the only time ugly people aren't evil is when they're borderline retarded
even the slightest hint of self awareness will make them despise humanity

Ugly people deserve to be slowly and painfully killed. They aren't even human.

I'm convinced all ugly people did something atrocious in a previous life

Is this what it's like to work in the FBI?

No, they did something atrocious in this life: existing.

relax uggo

he isnt ugly
he's just not self aware enough that he cant just force his feelings on someone and then theyll accept it
the characteristic of his personality is conveyed by his eyes, which are like those of an animal: beady
animals generally act only on instinct and never try to rationalize or contemplate what they are doing before they do it

shut up ugly nerd


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> le

Why is every Persona 4 thread a stupid Reddit-phrased bait thread?
Can't anyone actually say anything about the vidya anymore or am I asking too much of Any Forums?

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Atlus used to be pretty based desu

this is the only way now to get replies in your thread on this website

This isn't always the case... but it is more often than not

Jealousy, envy, and spite are the core of all true evil.

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because this website is full of lonely manchildren whose parents didn't give them enough attention as a child so they bait for attention with le epic troll posts on Any Forums because its the only attention they will ever get in their lives.

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Any Forums in a nutshell:

>frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt
>no, frrrrt frrrrt frrrrt frrrrt frrrrt
>fuck you, frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt
>frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt frrrrrrt
>error 404: thread not found

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Well, the murdering also didn’t help.