what the fuck was his problem?

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being in a david cage game

He was cursed.
Cursed to be the best character in a shitty game.

A shit concept to begin with, deliberate or not the message was screwed from the beginning, I wish it was more about the crazy adventures of a detective robot instead of just another "muh nigro holocaust allegory" for machines.

>implying you wouldn't be tempted to abuse a robot slave for shits and giggles
Molesting and beating a robot child is like dry humping and smashing a refrigerator. Nobody cares.

I thought everyone universally agreed that Hank and Connor were the best David Cage characters. By virtue of possibly being the only good ones.

I think the concept of playing characters on different sides of a conflict is always an interesting one. It's just the shame that the whole slavery allegory has all the subtly of a cinderblock to the fact.

>man has abusive and violent urges
>instead of taking it out on real humans, he gets a robot instead
todd did nothing wrong.

>david cage
how is he still getting work?

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>hard drug addict that sits on his ass 24/7 on a shitty ghetto house
>somehow able to afford 2 highly advanced androids
How the fuck do people praise Cage

honestly that's far from the least realistic thing in the game.
poor people splurging their entire paycheck on something fancy and expensive instead of improving their living conditions is quite common in reality.

The problem was Kara being playable. If you let fat guy kill her the rest of the game is a proper story of two sides of a conflict

I just recently played the game (I would have posted but I was on "vacation" for a month), Connor was cool, Kara was tolerable but Markus was a borefest, I was tempted to replay but every time I was about to launch the game I knew I had to replay the Markus segments all over again so I just stopped.

It doesn't help that Cage wants to force his narrative which doesn't allow for a run where you are a machine on the side of law and justice, if you are not on the side of deviants you are worse than nazis.

Dude there are hard drug addict thats sit on their ass 24/7 in a shitty ghetto house who buy huge TVs, yearly phone upgrades and $800 designer sneakers RIGHT NOW
It's called the welfare state and I don't think it's gonna get any smaller in the future

>heres the price of androids: they're affordable if youre in the homeowner income levels
The biggest issue is him being portrayed as a bad guy.

B-b-b-b-but android lives matter!
(A literal text within the game.)
He was a drug dealer apparently.

David Cage's subtle writing.

Practically all humans except the old man and the black sassy lady were portrayed as villains.

He was a dumb druggy

The game works best if you pull always veil of 'censorship'. Meaning he bought the kid to fuck, Kara to beat the shit out of a woman, and Marcus was the old guy's gay lover. All those themes were too hard-core for the regular American consumer so the guy was just a dude who wanted to role play as an abusive dad and the old man was just a loving father figure.

Wasn't there material you can pick up like banking statements or something that shows he took out a loan to pay for it?

Game could be a solid 9/10 if it was just Hank and Connor's police adventures.

>Molesting and beating a robot child is like dry humping and smashing a refrigerator. Nobody cares.
Actually, this would be false. Overly child like sex dolls are banned in certain places, and are generally looked down on. AliExpress no longer sells sex dolls explicitly because people got wind that some of those dolls were too young looking.
There are more details about it, of course, but even the implication of pedophilia is likely to trigger revulsion and rage in most people.

Is that Saul Goodman?

android creator made them affordable because he was already so wealthy that he was more interested in the social experiment of robots living among humans than making profit

that's fucking stupid.
do they honestly not realize that banning such things only leads to more pedos touching kids?
man, normalfags are fucking braindead.

Pretty much, yes, their dynamic was the best part of the game.

They keep bending the knee to real molesters among troons and groomers, hell, they even let their politicians out of the loop when they are caught red handed.

He is not.

The future is bright of companies are smart.
>sell kid robot "to play with children"
>all robots are highly customizable to 'preserve the consumers' right to maintain their products/ replace parts'
>pussy modules are sold in all shapes/tightness online
>open-source Personality/routines are easily available online
The non-retard consumer would be happy and the masses would be none the wiser. Of course companies are greedy and they'll sell only monolithic products.

>preserve the consumers' right to maintain their products/replace parts
hahaha oh user
that's a good one

>preserve the consumers' right to maintain their products/ replace parts

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Yeah, I know.