Active Mode vs. Wait Mode

When playing with a game with the ATB system, which mode do you play in (assuming that you can set it)?

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i make fun of anyone who picks wait and secretly pick wait myself


why? I've always played in wait. is browsing menus really fast such a valuable skill worth taking pride in?

>not playing a JRPG (which is the most piss easy genre ever in the first place) in the hardest difficulty available

Wait because I enjoy strategizing and blind panic will quickly overtake me once it starts hitting me hard enough.

always always active
its not a matter of difficulty, it just makes the combat feel more impactful. playing on wait mode feels like it may as well just be turn based, whereas playing on active keeps that sense of urgency. if you want the game to be easier, just play on active but slow the clock down. i dont see the point in playing on wait mode. you can also always pause mid fight too, making wait mode even more pointless.

I bee-lined to Zeromus while running from every battle along the way. If I didn't use Pause and Wait Mode, I would've been stomped as Big Bang one shotted Rydia for more than her life.

>slow the game down
>turn on cursor save
there, now you can play on active without worrying about that


Should be able to 100% turn it off fuck action and fuck actionlite.

have you played ff4 psp on active? that shit is insanely fast

Wasn't Chrono Trigger originally supposed to have an Active system for the overworld where you could move around during cutscenes?

Action provides a nice amount of tension, especially when you're fighting stuff like atomos in V. I always pick it.

max speed?


>When playing with a game with the ATB system
Why would you ever do this?

Once you reach a certain speed the game becomes turn based especially with longer animations. In FFIV you don’t need to spend much time menuing since every character has a default action (Cecil, Kain, Edge attack, Rydia casts flare, Rosa casts holy). The only time you deviate is to set buffs or if something goes wrong (mage runs out of mp, someone gets to critical health).

so you play at mid-low speeds?

No, because in the early game when it does make a difference I play on the fastest speed, and by the end game I either forgot about battle speed or it doesn’t matter. In some games ATB speed was even bugged and didn’t do anything, I think FFVI had it only affect enemies.

same reason people go into threads of a subject they have no interest in

playing at high speed is easy because cursor memory and item/magic sorting exists.