Who did you piss off, Any Forums?

Who did you piss off, Any Forums?

Attached: jester award.png (225x225, 9.06K)

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Me? No one I think

when i piss people off on steam i get community ban, not an emote

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close to godhood, next time burn down a community moderator's home

There's a thread of kikes seething at a Palestinian game and i went there telling them that israel is a fake country and Free Palestine and got like 10 of those jester emotes.

Bought a cool animated stuff from the points shop lol

Someone on the Babylon's Fall forum gives them to anyone who badmouths the game or Platinum Games

I got this one in the forum for saying that a game with no online features shouldn't be an always online webpage that was currently down.

I pointed out the true, boring nature of the most autistic pokemon-like.

I'm pretty sure it was that kid who compared me to sans did it as a compliment

>say something about game
>get 50 of these
>everyone in replies is just seething and saying that the game is perfect and sold 5 zillion copies therefore it is good

I made the very first thread in the "Tiny Tina's wonderland" forum on steam, talking shit about Ashley Burch, and bad writing. This was back when the game was pre-pre-order. Over time it gained some serious traction, and now I'm banned from that forum.

Not enough people. I just need to make more people mald. My day is made so much better making other fat nerds mad on the internet

QRD on what this is? I only use steam to play games

Lots of people just for taking the piss and yet not a single one on my profile

Basically reddit gold for steam that uses point you could have used to make your pfp look nicer.

>check ex's steam profile after years
>has clown emoji award

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warframe discussion
i even postes proof they've had cross play working over a year ago but still IM the retard

Post it user please I wanna see

I don't use reddit what is this?

Why do normies think that calling someone a clown is an insult? clowns are fucking cool

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>got into a fight with a bunch of retards I used to hang out with
>got into each of their profiles and gave them the clown award

Attached: 1642843798751.jpg (344x380, 20K)

the full dev stream is somewhere i cant find it

>dmcuck acting like a retard
Like pottery

Shit I forgot about that, they did finally sync the baro shit so they should just fucking drop it before Rebecca ruins the fucking game.

yeah that was in july i think

I asked a friend to give me this badge because I like clowns...

If it recall it was weeks ago


Basically awards you can give a post. In the OPs case people use it to call you a clown if they give it to you