The Callisto Protocol

Thoughts so far lads?

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>South Korean influences
I have no idea what this means. It's about revenge? It's got an ear cancer soundtrack? Everyone has had plastic surgery?

South Korea has a lot of zombie movies and shows and some pretty cool sc-fi too at least that's what my take away from that statement was.

>and some pretty cool sc-fi too
The only SK sci-fi I've ever heard of was Natural City and it was terrible.

Looks like a shitty version of Dead Space.

>no guiding lines
I have to assume that was an EA decision for Dead Space 2.
>South Korean influence
I am guessing what said, otherwise maybe the setting has a South Korean influence is what they meant?
Either way I am still not sold on it yet. The Necromorphs and Ishimura were good enemies. This game looks like a more generic Dead Space clone. I hope I am wrong. I know several people from Dead Space are working on this game.

Their sci-fi stories sucked though.

The original article was talking about how monsters moved in some korean movies, I think. That was it.

"Ahh yes, we will remove the guiding lines in a purely linear game"

can have open wolfenstein levels user

Wow, these threads are sliding hard. I think I've counted three of them today.
Guess nobody cares about the Calisto Protocol

Any Forumstendogaf autosaging non nintendo games dont help

I liked the liner pointer in Dead Space not sure what anyone had against it if you don't like being told where to go just don't use it

It'd be cool to have a Dead Space line and full on 3-d map, but have obstacles, smashed doors, and walls of meat not being taken into account
You'd then have to find alternate paths or use up upgrade materials to clear a safer route or something. But then again "backtracking bad" nowadays so i guess not

Yup, it gon be shit

personally im really looking forward to it if its on PC. ill never buy a console

That'd be really cool provided that the player also is given the ability to mark the map and leave notes.

Just be as good as Dead Space, that's all. If they can do that, I know I'll like the game.

I get the feeling that could be really confusing if done wrong.

Would you rather a silent protagonist?

>no replayability
>no minimap
>lame story
>mild gore
>another mechanic (teeheehee)
wow, so much wow

I don't get what the point of making stuff up is?

the enemy animations looked dumb
you can just see the smug mocap actor going "heh this is how zombies move"