
August 26th, 2022….I am forgotten…

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There’s nothing more to say the game sucks not even worth memeing on for too long

lmao wait it's out?? has anyone played it?

This game was made for Retards! It was made for retards that don't have any standards whatsoever .For retards that don't care about good dialogue and don't care about graphics or details.It was made for Retards that just want to shoot retarded things just like themselves .these fucking faggot retards enjoy such games

SR2022 is one of those games that's both bad AND boring, it's not even fun to make fun of because there's not really much there. It came out, it was as bad as everyone thought it would be, there's not much else to talk about desu. I'm looking forward to Volition going under. They've actually made quite a few decent games over the span of 25+ years (even titles you wouldn't think were made by them) but this developer is just in an unrecoverable state at this point.

I think a lot of the blame can be placed on pic related, one Jim Boone, creative director of Saints Row 2022. This man gives off hardcore Dan Schneider vibes and is probably a member of 'the cult' as well. I don't see any other possible explanation for why he would think any of this was a good idea. If you look at his game credits, he's been in the industry for almost 30 years and worked on many good games. He knows better, so why did he do it? Why'd you do it, Jim?

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Truly the Mass Effect Andromeda of Saint's Row.

But these games are made by industry veterans, Jim Boone has been making games almost as long as I've been alive. Why are they so willing to seppuku their decades-long careers? What do they get in return?

>Reboots your franchise twice
>Fail both times
Such a shame.

>Here's your gang, bro

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Those models have the personality of an Unity asset flip

Not forgotten, Im still laughing at it

It's like there is something holding them back, something that restricts the creative freedom they used to have.

wasn't that released 10 years ago?
i'm not even kidding, it plays like a PS3 game

Huge SR reboot hater here, I'm kind of digging the cars and the city. The graphics in this game looks good at night. I want to play this game, but the gangs and the main cast just makes the game look like a clown show. It's worse than SR3.

literally us on the left

i stood up and clapped at Love Shack

>wearing a shirt that literally says "CRIMINAL"
are they self aware or just fucking retarded?

Forgotten my ass, there hasn't been a day in the past week that hasn't seen four threads about this game at any given time

Good thing they didn't need you. Investors like Larry Fink threw money at it because it was woke and that's all they care about. The little it sell is just a bonus.

isn't this from like SR2 or 3?

Isn't it funny that you can tell all the opinions of this fictional character in the cover of the game just by looking at her? And it's not because she's black.

Nope, it's the newest game.