*Makes Forbidden Door a garbage card because they refuse to job out their gooks to AEW megastars in your path*

>*Makes Forbidden Door a garbage card because they refuse to job out their gooks to AEW megastars in your path*

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irrelevance: the promotion

Based Gedo protecting his guys from the trannies.


But enough about no milly promotion

n0.00 jamal doesnt even crack 50k viewers

No Okada?

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Tanahashi is jobbing, so is Ishii. In the match that Will is suppose to go over, Tony puts OC. Makes you think.

Meanwhile, you trannies a few days ago.
But I'm glad you finally went from Denial to Bargaining

Attached: file.png (1334x136, 76.61K)

look its the screenshot lolcow

>Tanahashi is jobbing, so is Ishii
Yeah. Tanahashi is the one guy that matters being fed to AEW. A guy that hasn't been the actual ace in a decade and that hasn't been in contention for the main belt in 3 years, with the last time he was champion being exclusively cause Omega left. Ishii jobbing is nothing new.

>In the match that Will is suppose to go over, Tony puts OC.
Yeah, OC will be a big win for Ospreay because the trannies love him.

what a shill

I'm just agreeing with OP :^)

Tana still Ace

What was he shilling?

Let's be real: NJPW doesn't have the prestige it once did, and the matchups at Forbidden Door are mostly a disappointment given the potential. Maybe the matches will still be enjoyable, but there's no reason to overhype what is, without question, a disappointing card.

Don't be such a fanboy.

>Let's be real: NJPW doesn't have the prestige it once did
Exactly. That retard is shilling the gooks not letting any of theirs get jobbed out to AEW, an actual thriving company instead of a company living entirely off of hype that hasn't been relevant in half a decade.

The have booked their entire roster into the midcard because Tony doesn't know how to do anything. I tried to put together a proper card of rthe show and ran out of AEW guys who are credible enough to wrestle some of the NJPW guys. ANd that's taking into account that NJPW has pushed most of it's top guys down to the midcard too becuase Gedo sucks as well.

NJPW sent a top star and AEW matched him with Ryan Gosling cosplay cartoon man.

>NJPW sent a top star and AEW matched him with Ryan Gosling cosplay cartoon man.
Yeah, cause the gooks ain't having his """top star""" job to someone that is actual relevant.

no one is relvant in your toybox, dude. AEW has jobbed everyone out at some stage and the show makes no sense

AEW has megastars?