Playing bloodborne after elden ring made me realize this:

These two games are quite similar. The "difficulty" relies entirely on making enemies flail like total spastic retards without care put into making the combat actually engaging. These games relies too much on stun locking you death by mobs who have infinite stamina. Or enemies downplaying the punishing windows by getting away from you as you recover from an attack animation. The most cancerous fights are easily against hunter NPC due to the fact that they have infinite bullets and stamina. Making these encounter and absolute slugfest. I fucking hate fromsoft new approach to the combat system that was already perfected back in demon souls.

Attached: andres-zambrano-hunter-front-mantle-final.jpg (1920x2813, 1.03M)

Get gud faggot

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You know when someone can't win a argument when they say shit like this.

Combat is a lot more fair, tight, and focused in Kinoborne than in Elden Shart.
In Elden Shart you fight with Demon's Souls tier speed, while bosses fight you with Sekiro's tier speed.
In Bloodborne you are as fast as enemies.

Attached: 1660943689628871.webm (800x448, 2.98M)

>perfected back in demon souls

>Combat is a lot more fair, tight, and focused in Kinoborne than in Elden Shart.
You mean is alot more easier, i love when faggots say that the combat is so balanced in DS1 and BB when in reality it's piss fucking easy with how braindead the AI is, you just circle around half the bosses their ass until they're dead and spam R1, and the very few bosses you cant do that with are gimmick bosses like Mirolash and the witches.

No wonder the DLC had the only good bosses because it was made at the same time DS3 was in full progress of being made

No way. Can he say that?

Bloodborne's sidestep to lunging R1 attacks make the combat so much more fun. It's such a little thing but it's so important

Attached: sidestep lunges.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

fuck off

Attached: 1643668672266.jpg (1080x2273, 449.05K)

>autoslides to enemy
But when new GoW does this you're screeching

Also why is the input delay so fucking awful in this game? This along with the 30 fps cap makes this piece of shit game nearly unplayable.

But enough about Elden Shit.


>you aren’t telling a good story
Gameplay is the single most important part of a videogame you cunt

>enemies flail like total spastic retards without care
Not really.

I loved both of these games but I agree somewhat; the autistic flailing is really unnecessary and frankly annoying, in part because it also looks retarded. This was less an issue in Bloodborne because of the speed your character had and the health system, but in Elden Ring there are some bosses that I refuse to fight without the giant magic beam.

elden ring has input reading and bloodborne doesn’t simple as elden ring is dog shit

Have you considered you aren't the target audience for the game you dislike? Have you ever thought that maybe just maybe that others may be looking for aomething different in the games they play compared to you?

They're nothing alike. Bloodborne is the easiest the series because you literally can't have a bad weapon or armor, Father Gascoigne is about as hard as it gets and he's the second boss in.
Elden Ring is the hardest because half of the bosses can fly across the screen or hit you for a ton of damage with attacks with ambiguous start up.

Attached: 1623408573758.png (580x580, 304.95K)

what an unbelievably retarded tweet

This wasn't a problem before when these games were more niche. Hordes of casuals like OP bought Elden Ring and they keep crying about how shit they are at game all the time, well guess what you're probably shit at the other games too.

>impossible to have a bad weapon
I'd say boomhammer but even that can be serviceable
>Gascoigne is as hard as it gets
Nah especially in the expansion.

It’s not a guaranteed autoslide, the attack just has forward momentum which depends on the weapon. Some of them suck at that attack, while others are designed to be better at it like Blades of Mercy.