Sony is playing with fire

sony is playing with fire

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>sony singlehandedly kickstarting the nip PC gaming scene
give it a couple years and we won't have to rely on fans fixing broken ports

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>Sony will be dead by the end of the gen

Sony was already fucked, they can barely manage to get a single game on the top 20 charts for years now. They will use this price increase backfire as an excuse to say "see, that's why we went bankrupt" but really they had already fucked themselves for a while now.

>there are retards on twitter posting things
>it's mass hysteria
>t. some guy on twitter

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oh no! not the heckin japanese incels!

>normalfags will still buy anyway

I don't really care what foreigners think. Sorry.

Any Forums is literally the only place where people whine about the PS5 outside of its scarcity. The console is the best thing to game on by far. It ridiculously outperforms every single PC at that pricepoint. Never forget that Any Forums is an echo chamber

>PC gaming

what the fuck? a price INCREASE?

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Have you been under a rock for the last 12 months? Consumer prices have inflated like 20%

Sony is gonna be totally fucked with Nintendo launches their next console in the next 2 years.
With them actually raising, not lowering, the price, there's a solid chance it ends up being *more expensive* than the Switch 2 despite being like 3-4 years older. Who is gonna buy the more expensive PS5 with no exclusives and no portability?
>but muh graphics
This gen we're going to be hitting hard against the diminishing returns wall. I doubt PS5/Switch 2 games end up looking that different, especially since all the games need to be able to run on a series S.

>Any Forums is the only place where Sony gets criticism
Yup. That's why I post here.
>The console is the best thing to game on by far
That would be Series X. Have SeX.

>The console is the best thing to game on by far. It ridiculously outperforms every single PC at that pricepoint
This has to be a falseflag tendie.


I still can't fucking believe how good and good priced was my Series S.

>Have you been under a rock for the last 12 months? Consumer prices have inflated like 20%
Video game consoles can afford to sell at a loss because they charge ridiculous online fees and $70 for controllers. What this says to me is that Sony doesn't believe they can actually stop the scaling so they've given up and they're just trying to get scalpers to pay them more now.

Learn 2 economies, lefty

Sony is charging 70 dollars for games and like 100 dollars a year for their subscription service and you expect me to believe they cant afford to sell the console for 500?

Steam is more popular than the PS5 in Japan, at least if you go based on sales vs Steam accounts.

Sony chose the western route (and moved their gaming HQ to California, lol) and it has hindered them greatly. Should have stuck to their own, the west is fast decline

The only way forward for Sony is if they release a slim console that doesn't look like garbage and cut the price by about 50 bucks. It looks stupid and I can't be the only one putt off by it.l

Ouch, there's only PC left for them soon. So software sales were that bad? How about make some games?

Of course software sales are bad when no one can find the console. Now people who can find it will see the higher price and think "Nah".

>The only way forward for Sony is if they release a slim console that doesn't look like garbage and cut the price by about 50 bucks. It looks stupid and I can't be the only one putt off by it.l
To do a slim version they need to die shrink which is going to make the console more expensive, not less, to produce. So I don't think we see a slim any time soon.

I feel like theres been a massive uptake and push towards PC gaming in the last 3 years for some reason. Who's behind this?

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>throw the censorship snoy out
>go to the censorship Valve instead

Probably Microsoft.

That wouldn't help at all with their primary problem: zero games

It's just a natural response to microsoft and sony failing to sell consoles. With diminishing returns it's also getting easier and easier for normal laptops to run actual video games. My laptop that I bought for 500 dollars 3 years ago can run a lot of games today (badly granted, but still impressive that it can run them at all).

>Who's behind this?

I was going to be an idort and get a PS5 to go with my SeX and Switch, as I want to play FFXVI when it comes out. But now? I think I'll save my dosh and invest in a few more SeX and Switch titles. Playstation just ain't buttering my parsnips no more.

It's just companies chasing after the Chinese market because they can release on Steam and have the Chinese buy their games through a VPN. Like 99% of games would never get through China's insane standards that they impose on foreign developers.

Look Nintendo is great and everything but we all know the switch is like xbox360 tier hardware and the switch 2 will probably be base ps4 tier hardware at best

Japan never cared anyways. They are switch country.

>censorship Valve
Can we have some examples please?

China. Of course.

I miss the days when we didn't bend over backwards for them...