What were you playing in 2013?

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league of legends

i can't even remember what i was playing in 2017

That pic is literally me and I don't like it

>tfw in 2017, 2013 was 4 years ago
>tfw in a couple of months it will have been 4 years since 2019

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tf2 and shogun 2

San Andreas Multiplayer

>JPEG compression
There's very light grey text under his mouth saying "don't fucking cry, don't fucking cry...".

Rome II total war
Mount & Blade warband and the Napoleonic wars DLC

I don't remember.

Team Fortress 2, before all the updates that ruined the fun weapons

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Diablo II
Torchlight II
SimCity 4

mists of pandaria
dota 2
skyward sword
neptunia mk2
super international cricket

Binding of Isaac
Trackmania nations
League of legends
Batman Arkham city/origins

deus ex 1 I think
it was the first time I'd played it and I loved it

Smash 4

dota 2

uhhh what came out in 2013...
Pokemon Y
Dragons Crown
replaying dragons dogma with the DA expansion
hotline miami
Payday 2
Papers Please
Disgaea D2
Path of exile
Risk of Rain

and some other stuff I tried out but didn't really play much or finish, and probably a bunch of other random shit, as well as stuff I missed when looking through the list as well too
damn what a throw back of nostalgia

Winter 2013, playing TLOU for the first time. The sunset moments, Autumn and Winter chapters. Peak comfy. Everything has been downhill since.

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Monster Girl Quest Part 3 and Papers Please
also was the year I tried out Minecraft, played it for like a month or so and never since

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mostly tf2 & LoL

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if you soak in every day and frequently think about the passage of time, these pictures wont freak you out as much. this is like the 8th time ive seen one of these and it doesnt get to me anymore. no one stepped in a time machine. time isnt going faster. a Any Forums post just framed things in a certain way to freak you out

Fallout New Vegas
Halo Reach
CoD BlOps 2
Far Cry 3

jet set radio HD

Gta 5
Last of Us
Zelda WW HD
Zelda Link between worlds

>league of legends
I just picked up League this year for some stupid reason. Hit Gold on ADC and it's kind of suffering. It's so different than dota. I miss my BKB. Getting deleted by bruiserassassins is really unpleasant.

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Luv Arkane before Colantonio left.

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crazy old school runescape is still going today despite them doubling the sub price. i resub for a couple months every 4 years or so. pretty good fun if you enjoy clicking on rocks.

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Bioshock Infinite
Saints Row 4
Dead Space 3

I got a PS3 the day the PS4 came out, so that gave me access to a whole back catalogue of stuff as well, which was fantastic