Handed a top 3 popular console franchise, a fanbase so large most devs have wetdreams over the idea of having

>handed a top 3 popular console franchise, a fanbase so large most devs have wetdreams over the idea of having
>never even tried to replicate the games that made halo popular for the sake of capturing the 'broader audience'

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Their primary directive was to sabotage the greatest console game ever made, and they succeeded.


Mattrick and 343 were hired by sony in an attempt to kill their competitor.

not true

Infinite does feel like halo, in gameplay.

The devs are just retarde and taking forever to add main features like forge and co-op and there really isn't that many maps

Is there any other franchise that has just thrown away success like Halo did?

>Infinite does feel like halo, in gameplay.
>and there really isn't that many maps
I don't think there is a single map in Infinite that's good, truely. BTB is bad across the board, completely ruined vehicle gameplay not only with the spawns but also just simply with the layout of the map.
Then 4v4 is nothing but bland, rigid, symmetrical bar two, 3 lane designs. All the maps so identically it feels like 4v4 only has 3 maps, Launch Site, Recharge, and then five texture swaps of a basic 3 lane map.

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It's just so fucking weird honestly, Halo might have survived with shit writing and great MP if 343 just made Halo III-2 a decade ago.

that's what happens when you hire a bunch of people who despise the franchise you handed to them

Sad we're at a state where a schizo take like this doesn't even sound that unlikely


It's the result of money hungry boomers hiring nostalgic, incompetent millennials to make fan fiction for money. It's all over all of media for the past decade.

343 is an impressive studio.
It's really impressive how they managed to kill one of the most popular vidya franchises ever even with bloated budgets.

It's even more sad considering that the golden goose was slaughtered by just a few higher ups thinking their creative might will make the Halo better

343 always was, is, and always will be, complete and utter shit.

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Co-op/forge beta will save Infinite

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Too little too late

Phantasy Star Online, Metal Gear

So where do we get new Halo content now?
I'm already playing through SPV3

fuck 343