Almost killed Sega

>Almost killed Sega
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
>Introduced internet memes to mainstream video games
>Tried to screw over Obsidian, 3D Realms & eduke32
>Threw People Can Fly under the bus after Gearbox Publishing tried to release a G2A exclusive special edition of the Bulletstorm Remaster and claimed that it was PCF's fault
>Screwed over several companies who worked with his company
>Almost ended his company multiple times with his retarded ideas
>Can never take criticism for anything, even things that are his fault
>Uses armies of lawyers to sue competition into oblivion even when he is wrong.
>Gets his own private money embezzled by one of his former co-workers
>Is on bad terms with multiple voice actors who have worked on his games
>Physically assaulted the Claptrap VA
>Stole the art style of Borderlands from short movie called Codehunters
>Hired the guy who made Codehunters early in the dev cycle to help them get the art style down and fired him immediately after so they wouldn't have to keep paying him or give him any credit.
>Removed all Duke Nukem games from GoG
>Re-released a half-baked chocolate duke port to Steam ten dollars more expensive than the Atomic version that runs like ass because none of his developers have Build engine experience.
>Lied about winning the Gearbox name by beating Gabe Newell in a poker game
>Is probably a massive piss fetishist.
>Has an odd number of pictures of himself on toilets or bathroom floors
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
>Dropped a USB stick with company files and totally not underaged at all squirting porn at a Medieval Times event
>Tries to defend the porn claiming that the act was like a "magic trick"
>Claimed that Borderlands 3 won't have microtransactions when it actually does
>Won't pay the BL3 devs the bonuses that they're owed

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How does he get away with everything?

good question

Has gearbox done anything good since BL2?

BL2 wasn't good, cuckboy

wrong faggot

Bl2 sucks you smegma scoundrel

open your eyes you giant faggot retard
how does everyone get away with everything? because there's too much for any one human to pay attention to
while you're here thinking about this pedo retard the world is literally dying in front of us and you're no better than 8 year olds spending all their thoughts on e-celebs
in short kill as many people as you can and then yourself

Hi Randy

He's the worst person in the entire industry.

He spends an inordinate amount of money on Gearbox's legal team.


by far

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how does he get away with it

you been ignoring any time any major corporation fucks up and the government just slaps some tiny fine on them thats a fraction of what they make in a year?
living under a rock or?

>>Dropped a USB stick with company files and totally not underaged at all squirting porn at a Medieval Times event

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In a industry where everyone gets called out for shit how hasnt he

do any rich individuals ever actually get fucked over?
like did even a single big name at blizzard even get screwed by that whole thing?

They ran Bobbys name through the mud

unironic poor person cope
eat the rich

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