No cheats

>no cheats
>woke trash
>2012 graphics
>dreadful driving
>horrible gunplay
Why was this shit even made?

Attached: EGS_SaintsRow_DeepSilverVolition_S1_2560x1440-1ba560d3f228fe5c7341777a6ac9abb7.jpg (2560x1440, 840.4K)

>Why was this shit even made?

creative bankruptcy
3 previous flops too

I could make a better game with two bros and 100k

>SRINO bad, SR2 good.
There, that's the thread.

At this point it doesn't even feel like the suits are in charge.

it's a fairly big IP that will sell over expectations anyways cause companies know retards will buy it. the budget was probably small considering they barely advertised this ass game outside of a few youtube videos.

>known IP
>shitty devs
>small budget

ez money.

And the original Saints Row, contrary to popular belief.

The budget was 150m

you got source on that?

>small budget
not that small lol

it probably only got like a 5 million budget max which is nothing for these companies

They're obviously not in this case, this abomination can only be a result of giving diversity hires full creative freedom.

to remind you that your hobby is dead. its a demoralization tactic

Made by those

Attached: 1641924838470.png (1788x629, 952.34K)

Nah Volition it's "gritty" reboot not griddy reboot

Makes me want to emulate Saint's Row 1 since Xenia is apparently way faster now.

Of course. And they're all grossly overweight.

> Why was this shit even made?
the hordes of woman who did what they were told for 4 years need a place to work

>Why was this shit even made?
The Epic deal guaranteed ROI so they don't have to care about sales or reviews

Do fat people have heroes? Is there anyone of relevance in the history of mankind who was fat?

How bad is it? Any footage?

Saints Row isn't a big IP, and has not been since like 2012. More than that, everyone can tell this game is ass. Most of the fanbase immediately wrote it off when they revealed it was woke garbage, and eveyrone else who may have been interested has seen the gameplay and reviews in the last few weeks to know it's horrible. It's definitely not going to sell.