How would you make this into a game?

How would you make this into a game?

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Add him to Fortnite

It would probably make an alright Telltale-style thing

Just because you try to vaguely make this Any Forums related doesn't negate the fact that you're just a Any Forums crossboard shitposter. Kill yourself.


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Saul side of the story would most likely be a walking sim with "social boss battles" from Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided.

Mike/Cartel part... Could be your generic fps/tps stealth-action thing.

It's probably going to happen isn't it?

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You’re the only person so far who’s posted anything non-vidya related.


SNEED you fucking nigger

the only way this could be a game without making it shitty is turning it into a choose your adventure movie like bandersnatch

I wouldn't. Its a boring, bad show.

t. Speedwatcher

You’re young

least creative possible reply

Story driven game where you play through the events of Better Call Saul and then Breaking Bad. Playable characters would probably be Jimmy, Mike, Nacho, Jesse, Walt and Gus.

However, you have the option to do thinks differently to how things panned out in the shows and watch how your choice can cause changes to the story.

Like you can see what happened if Hector never had a stroke, if Nacho was alive during Breaking Bad, if Kim never left Saul and had a presence during Breaking Bad, or see what would have happened if Jesse died early on as was originally intended by the writers.

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does his older, sick brother fucks the love interest of Saul from season 1 in later seasons? if yes I'm not watching that cuck shit

You sound like a pretty cool dude.

Saul needs to get a party but to get there he first has to fight sentient shoes, crazy grandmas, and a host of other wacky implements of destruction. His default weapon is a book, which to make it not too challenging has a very short range, but he can get a gun powerup with 3 bullets.

>I am NOT filtered! I am not filtered. I know he swapped those endings. I knew it was 613, one after Waterworks, as if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. NEVER! I just, I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, got that idiot on /bcs/ to bravo for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This, this hackfraudery? He's done worse. That Nippy! You think an episode just happens to be filler like that? No, HE orchestrated it! Vince! He DEFECATED out that finale! And I watched it! I shouldn't have. I watched it on my own screen, what was I THINKING? He'll never change. He'll NEVER change! Ever since Season 1, always the same! Couldn't keep filler out of the show! But not our Vince! Couldn't be kino Vince! Filling them blind! And he gets to be a producer? What a sick joke! I should have stopped watching when I had the chance, and you, you have to stop watching, you-

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You don't. Not everything we like needs spinoffs series, films, games, toys, dark horse comics and mountain dew cans

slow-paced shenmue type game where you can fuck off at any point in the story to shoot another commercial or whatever

That sounds kino. Too bad we'll probably never see something like that though.

indigo prophecy but with lawyers and black and white instead of turning supernatural

Ace Attorney but with meth

Did you not see the guy who suggested Telltale lmao

I like this idea, but an American city having areas you can walk around in like Shenmue games would break my suspension of disbelief too much.

If anything Chuck gets cucked by Saul during a flashback instead

what do you mean? someone told me that Chuck fucks the girl that smokes with Saul in season 1 but I could never confirm and just dropped it, asking again after years

Better Fuck Chuck

toppest laughs

It’s not a big spoiler but there’s a flashback in one of the early seasons where Chuck invites Jimmy(Saul) over to eat with his wife and him and Jimmy makes a lot of lawyer jokes that Chuck doesn’t find funny but his wife loves it and later Chuck tries to make a lawyer joke alone with her and it falls flat and he feels inferior to his brother.

I have no clue what you’re talking about however, Chuck never fucks Kim lol