I don't want to work, I just want to play video games

I don't want to work, I just want to play video games

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I'm working from home and have a thousand videogames at my disposal but I just shitpost all day

Video games are a communist hobby.
Real men watch anime.

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Are chopsticks actually stupid or ancient eastern wisdom?

become a personal caretaker for an old person, convince them to rewrite their will to give you everything, then wait for them to die. Easy chunk of cash that you can live off of with investments.

You will have to work eventually, better to soften it up

Just wanna play video games

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Two more hours burger
Get ready

gamer who plays vidyas over 10 hours per day here
i wanna work

Maybe there should be a study on brain activity and choice of utensils.

Me too OP.

does this work?

I quit my job and have done nothing but play videogames for the last week.

It's for broke ass chinna's that can't afford forks and spoons.


I don't want to play vidya, I just want to work. I'm six years out of highschool with no degree and no prospects. There is nothing worse than knowing you've wasted your youth.

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they are economically good solution in places like china where bugman/square meter density reached highpoint even in ancient times
in japan it was mostly metal scarcity


wasted your youth not making Schlomo rich?

I've been feeling that lately. I'm currently taking a break from an 80 page document I have to write up and it's driving me insane.

>wasted youth
Shut up, get a job, and go to the gym. You don’t know shit.

Anti-work is a psyop shilled by China and Russia to destroy western economies.

>dude 24 is young haha
Shut the fuck up.

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Asian cultures use spoons retard.

Wait until you're 50 then you'll realize that 24 was young you ungrateful faggot.

>Real trannies watch anime

>a third of your life gone
Okay boomer.

bro most of our generation are fuckups, if you're not a literal crack addict that begs people to piss in cups for them you're a more attractive employee than half of whatever country you're in.

>Wait until you're 50
Why the fuck do you live so long? Are you a first-worlder?

The enlightened ones read mango

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You don't even realize how good you have it, kiddo.

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i fucking hate working
i fucking hate getting ready for work
i fucking hate driving to work
i fucking hate thinking about work when i work afternoon shift all day
i fucking hate how tired i am when i get home after morning shift
it is like some cruel corrupted wish i can afford any game i want but i lack the enthusiasm to play them
god i wish china would just release another kung-flu just make it a bi-yearly thing so i can get a 3 month vacation every now and then like in grade school

I'm a cripple so working a trade is out of the question (already tried with autotech) and food service/warehouse gigs are a joke. I need a degree to work a comfy deskjob, and I'll be 26 by the time I finish a two year program.

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24 is fucking young you idiot. You are at the summer period just like 17 is the spring period.

Everyone knows you live with your mom since your dad left years ago, since he saw what a huge dissapointment you will become, salivating for 2d women

The Ascended ones read LNs

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I don't want to live, I just want the sweet release of death
go back to reading your capeshit tranny.

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