Best Saints Row, more fun than GTA, feels like a game from the past with how wacky the missions are

Best Saints Row, more fun than GTA, feels like a game from the past with how wacky the missions are

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That's not Saints Row 2

>play it
>forced to kill a cop in the first mission
>unistall it

yeah it is, it's actually the only good one.

I'm really listening to the song to remember the good old days.

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SR2 with cheats was the zenith of the Saint's Row Experience.

Still can't believe they killed Johnny Gat off screen. What the fuck was the reason for this?

Saints Row 3 was the Saints Row 5 of its time
>WUBWUBWUB brostep
>lolrandum XD humor
>gave up completely on trying to outdo GTA and dumped half the open-world features from SR2
>merged the gang stories into one, two of the gangs only have one named character compared to the colourful cast of SR2
>open the door to SR4 going full retard

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SR3fags are the reason this new game turned out the way it did. The devs listened to your retarded narrative and took it to the logical extreme.

So that if the gamble they took with 3 didn't pay off they could drum up hype with his return in 4

>someone post that screencap with all the things removed from it that were in 2

And we aren't boomers.

It was literally because the VA wasnt available at the time and rather than delay the game to work on it more and wait for him to come in they said " fuck it " and decided to kill him off screen

>$10 just to unlock online co-op

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People are nostalgic for that era now so it's okay.

Saints Row 3 was a mistake that the devs are still trying to fix

have the copy pasta saved, dont know if there was more to it or not
>Removed the ability to pick up random objects laying around and use them as weapons
>Removed the dynamic day and night cycle
>Introduced PAID cheat codes in the form of fucking DLC
>Cut out a ton of content so they could nickel and dime us with a hundred DLC packs
>Removed Fight Club minigame and made it a mission only thing for KillBane
>Removed the Demolition Derby minigame when SR3 even had fucking stadiums where it could've taken place
>Removed the ability to replay missions
>Removed the ability to rewatch cutscenes
>No option to downgrade weapons if you didn't like them
>Has significantly less customization options for cribs ( literally every crib option in SR3 is just copy pasted for all locations. In SR2 you would have some unique options depending on what location you're at)
>Has less pedestrian variety as well as less activities they did
>Removed a fun multiplayer for Co-op ( There is no reason that SR3 couldn't have had both )
>SR3 had nowhere near the amount of character customization that SR2 had
>Replaced food and drugs with lame ass grenades nobody gives a shit about ( outside of regular grenades anyway ) Then again, I guess using food to recover health is pointless when you're practically invincible not even halfway into the game, another problem SR3 has.
>Removed the ability to change your fighting style
>Removed the ability to change walk animations
>Removed Taxi and Firetruck missions
>Removed Cop missions
>Removed Ambulance missions
>Removed hitman missions
>Significantly less buildings that you could enter than SR2
>Couldn't balance the serious and wackiness like SR2 and went full retard with the lolrandumXD humor
>Forgot their own lore and never tied up the loose end with Dex. Also, in SR4 they had the nerve to mention him and STILL not do anything with it. And no killing a generic NPC in GooH doesnt fucking count

Eh I’m a time when GTA was adhering to realism at the cost of fun and cutting out features from previous games SR3 seemed like a throwback to the PS2 era and the random humor translated into bizarre missions where you had no idea what you’d be doing next maybe a proper SR reboot could’ve made it less ridiculous but still found this fun


Saints Row 3 is inferior for many reasons but most of all that it pushes night on you and you can’t easily switch it. Especially with their shitty HDR.


The problem with Saints Row 3 wasn't the making the tone whackier, it was the lack of restraint. The game opens up with you forced to live in Shanudi's ex-boyfriend's apartment and you're moving into a penthouse barely 3 missions later.

Steelport is literally the most boring city in any open world game I've played.

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Looks like you posted the wrong pic champ. I gotcha.

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What do you mean you don't like uninspired_skyscraper_Map#4 and sprawling acres of (just) suburban houses???