Better performance

>Better performance
>Better security
>Better functionality
>Better software
>Steamdeck uses it
What's your excuse this time?

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im lazy

no games

Didn't grow up with computers and no one taught me how to use em

change the ms logo into the toy story 2 movie cover and this meme is gold

>>Better security
ahahahhahhahaha no

games don't work
>but they do after I put in random commands after reading a github or some fag's post online
make a pc gaming wiki for linux or fuck off

I use Linux Mint and only use the terminal to update packages, is that fine enough?

Lmao, my shqueeker

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I only use linux or unix

My Steam Deck is collecting dust.

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Citation needed for all greentext aside from the trannydeck part. Don't you think, that after 40 years, if corporations could stop paying millions in server/sql license fees to microsoft because linux is a better and free product, they would have?

Attached: zombieant.jpg (800x533, 56.67K)

>if corporations could stop paying millions in server/sql license fees to microsoft because linux is a better and free product, they would have?
But they have? The only group that hasn't left Windows is consumers. Corporations nearly universally run their infrastructure on Linux.

>Better security
never understood that meme, all normal antiviruses work quite badly on linux. Everything else is obvious trolling which even Linuxoids do not believe.

My work software requires windows and I'm too lazy to dual boot

>>Better functionality
Simply, no. It makes it easier to do some bullshit you never even felt necessary, but there's billions of extremely simple things you can do in Windows that are borderline impossible to replicate unless you're willing to try our fifty different DEs and make some sort of frankenstein amalgamation between them.
Also mouse works like garbage out of the box, and any way to disable acceleration or increase mousewheel speed is 1) pointlessly obtuse and 2) not guaranteed to work.

I learned to do infinitely more shit on Windows simply because I could intuitively figure out how to do it through the interface and then got curious how to do it in a more complex manner than Linux ever did with its "just go to this completely obscure file in this utterly anonymous folder with a random unintelligible name and then add a bunch of like you have to chance to understand what they're meant to do, then save and the problem will still be there which will force you to google each step and go down fifty more unintelligible rabbit holes to find the root of the problem".

Anything that Linux can do, Windows can do, but not vice versa.