Lmfao git rekt fggts

lmfao git rekt fggts

Attached: spec-ops-the-line-white-phosphorus-600x338.jpg (600x338, 58K)

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You could have chosen to stop playing the game.

>tfw I got hard when I first I got to this part

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Spec Ops The Line made me realize its possible for something to be so kino that it ends up filtering millions

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Did you let him burn?

Attached: Rip my nigga Riggs.jpg (1680x945, 303.71K)

I did. shit gaym.

I still like the game but the radio dj was cheesy as hell and kind of ruins it.

I thought he added a lotta charm Lugo being the comedian of the group snapping and just executing him was kino asf

>Gentlemen...this is democracy manifest
damn what an ending


fucken 03N3D!1!!


A succulent Chinese meal?


Really solid single-player shooter.
It still takes me out of it when the game tries to make real-world moral statements about killing people in video games with almost no subtlety.
Just subverting the formula of "American soldier goes to sandy shithole to free the oppressed (X)" was enough without directly calling the player a cunt for playing the game, especially in a corridor shooter where there's no non-lethal options.
That's like if a movie had an intermission which told everyone to exit the theater then berated them for staying afterwards.
That being said, "Do you feel like a hero yet?" can stay. Definitely jostled me a little bit the first time it popped up, but that's something you do once, not for every mission in the last half of the game.

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Holy shit

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>Really solid single-player shooter.
Shit taste

I meant that I liked the game for what it is, particularly the strong story.
Will agree that the gunplay leaves a lot to be desired, but that's not what you're there for.
Just disliked the metafiction aspect.

I played spec-ops a couple years ago because you fags hyped it up, it's mediocre as fuck. literally normies first meta game, right down to the obligatory "dude that explains everything because they assume the audience is stupid". it would have been OK if the gameplay wasn't the absolute worst shit I've ever played in my life.

you have the absolute worst taste imaginable, it actually shocks me a little bit. the metafiction is literally the only thing in the entire game that isn't dogshit, and even then it's baby's first meta plot. the gameplay is the absolute worst you could have short of literally broken/buggy shit.