Do you really have such contempt for Germans that you need a game where you see the bullets go through them and shoot...

Do you really have such contempt for Germans that you need a game where you see the bullets go through them and shoot their testicles? needlessly bloodthirsty

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>Do you really have such contempt for Germans
Didn't read the rest of your post

History is written by the winners and the winners were the Jews, what else did you expect?

>a game
Lol they're up to 5 last I checked

you lost chud

yes but not because of the nazi shit
in fact that was the only time when the g*rms were somewhat respectable


It's just a game, I don't care if I'm shooting Germans, Americans, Russians, Japanese or whatever.
I played Destroy All Humans and fun, I played EDF and had fun.
It's just a game.

Name some good games where you can shoot communists, guys.

>Do you really have such contempt for Germans

>you need a game where you see the bullets go through them and shoot their testicles

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Any game with guns set in California.

Killing nazis has been a timeless classic in vidya that's almost as old as vidya itself. Can't help but find it hilarious how it's only now after decades that faggots are claiming to be offended by killing nazis in vidya.

Calling Nazis Germans is intellectually dishonest. The jews living their would be considered German too. If anything following Nazi ideology for any reason other than to avoid your family getting executed was anti-German as it was a net negative for their country.

>disingenuously says "germans" instead of "nazis"
fuck off nazi coward. I love watching bullets fly through your skulls in any decade

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I don't have contempt for Germans but it's neat to see a game where you see the bullets go through them and can shoot their testicles.

the murder boner must be satiated

>Do you really have such contempt for Germans that you need a game where you see the bullets go through them and shoot their testicles? needlessly bloodthirsty

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This. They really turned into cucks now. Bring back 1930s Germany!

Not germans in particular, but if they ever release a sequel where you shoot vatniks I'd preorder in a heartbeat.

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What a waste of a good system. Imagine having this sort of detailed locational gore system in a Mount and Blade/KC:D styled game. Or even something like the Rainbow Six/Arma games.

They saved their hate for every single time they were exiled and now that they can never be exterminated again because they're fucking everywhere, they'll punish the people who tried so hard to exterminate them: white people

No I'd be fine with playing as adolf himself doing this to jews, but that isn't marketable outside of humor.

>a game
Lol they're up to 5 last I checked

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Killing nazis has been a timeless classic in vidya that's almost as old as vidya itself. Can't help but find it hilarious how it's only now after decades that faggots are claiming to be offended by killing nazis in vidya.

As a german Id say yes. Kill all nazis

yes but not because of the nazi shit
in fact that was the only time when the g*rms were somewhat respectable

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When will they make a WWII game where you can play as the good guys?

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